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College of Business + Information TechnologyTraits and Rubrics

The following traits and rubrics are used to evaluate the learning goals and objectives of the BSBA & BSIT degree (click on each rubric for the corresponding objective and traits):

Rubric for assessment of oral presentation skills

Objective 1: Graduates can demonstrate mastery of communication technology.
Trait 1: Use of Media
Trait 2: Quality of Slides

Objective 2: Graduates can develop and deliver a compelling oral presentation grounded in relevant information and facts.
Trait 1: Opening Statement
Trait 2: Organization
Trait 3: Content
Trait 4: Conclusion
Trait 5: Timing

Objective 3: Graduates can deliver a compelling oral presentation with clarity and appropriate poise.
Trait 1: Clarity of Speech
Trait 2: Engages Audience
Trait 3: Appearance

Click here to access the rubric for assessment of oral presentation skills 

Rubric for assessment of written communication skills

Objective 1: Graduates can write professional quality documents.
Trait 1: Introduction
Trait 2: Organization
Trait 3: Content
Trait 4: Conclusion
Trait 5: Grammar
Trait 6: Spelling

Click here to access the rubric for assessment of written communication skills 

Rubric for assessment of critical thinking

Objective 1: Graduates can identify main problem and key assumptions.
Trait 1: Identification of the main problem in a business situation
Trait 2: Identification of the key assumptions surrounding a business situation

Objective 2: Graduates can evaluate the validity and relevance of data.
Trait 1: Evaluation of the relevance of the data
Trait 2: Evaluation of the validity of the data

Objective 3: Graduates can present feasible solution.
Trait 1: Ability to solve problems
Trait 2: Ability to arrive at valid, supported conclusions
Trait 3: Understanding of the implications of the conclusions

Click here to access the rubric for assessment of critical thinking 

Rubric for assessment of team work

Objective 1: Graduates can work collectively towards team objectives.
Trait 1: Team Cohesion
Trait 2: Communication
Trait 3: Goal Orientation
Trait 4: Planning and Task Coordination
Trait 5: Accountability
Trait 6: Conflict Resolution

Objective 2: Students can demonstrate appropriate group techniques to participate in a team task that results in effective performance.
Trait 1: Attendance--student comes to meetings
Trait 2: Preparation--student is prepared for meetings
Trait 3: Contribution--student contributes ideas to meetings
Trait 4: Positive Attitude and Participation--student works well with team members
Trait 5: Accountability--student offers to take responsibility for group tasks

Click here to access the rubric for assessment of team work 

Rubric for assessment of ethics

Objective 1: Graduates can recognize the ethical issues implicit in a business situation.
Trait 1: Identification of issues
Trait 2: Statement of root cause of issues

Objective 2: Graduates can describe and use ethical frameworks applicable to business situations.
Trait 1: Number of frameworks used
Trait 2: Accuracy of use of frameworks

Objective 3: Graduates can develop a variety of ethical alternatives for resolving or at least addressing, a problem in business.
Trait 1: Identify different ethical alternatives
Trait 2: Evaluate ethical alternatives

Click here to access the rubric for assessment of ethics 

The following traits and rubrics are used to evaluate the learning goals and objectives of the MBA & MSIT degree:

Rubric for assessment of oral presentation skills

Objective 1: Graduates can develop and deliver a compelling oral presentation grounded in relevant information and facts.
Trait 1: Opening Statement
Trait 2: Organization
Trait 3: Content
Trait 4: Conclusion
Trait 5: Timing
Trait 6: Clarity of Speech
Trait 7: Engages Audience
Trait 8: Appearance

Click to access rubric for assessment of oral presentation 

Rubric for assessment of written communication

Objective 1: Graduates can write professional quality documents.
Trait 1: Introduction
Trait 2: Organization
Trait 3: Content
Trait 4: Conclusion
Trait 5: Grammar
Trait 6: Spelling

Click to access rubric for assessment of written communication 

Rubric for assessment of leadership in teams

Objective 1: Graduates can demonstrate appropriate group techniques to participate in a team task that results in effective performance.
Trait 1: Attendance--student comes to meetings
Trait 2: Preparation--student is prepared for meetings
Trait 3: Contribution--student contributes ideas to meetings
Trait 4: Positive Attitude and Participation--student works well with team members
Trait 5: Accountability--student offers to take responsibility for group tasks

Objective 2: Graduates can demonstrate effective leadership skills in a group project.
Trait 1: Motivation--Student motivates team members to contribute to the accomplishment of team goals
Trait 2: Delegation--Student assigns tasks and responsibilities to other members
Trait 3: Conflict Resolution--Student helps to find solutions to interpersonal conflict between group members.

Click to access rubric for assessment of leadership in teams 

Rubric for assessment of ethics

Objective 1: Graduates can recognize the ethical issues implicit in a business situation.
Trait 1: Identification of issues
Trait 2: Statement of root cause of issues

Objective 2: Graduates can describe and use ethical frameworks applicable to business situations.
Trait 1: Number of frameworks used
Trait 2: Accuracy of use of frameworks

Objective 3: Graduates can develop a variety of ethical alternatives for resolving or at least addressing, a problem in business.
Trait 1: Identify different ethical alternatives
Trait 2: Evaluate ethical alternatives

Click to access rubric for assessment of ethics 

Rubric for assessment of global awareness

Objective 1: Graduates can perform a global business situation analysis.
Trait 1: Identification of economic trends
Trait 2: Identification of socio-cultural factors
Trait 3: Identification of communication and technological trends
Trait 4: Link opportunities threats to trends

Objective 2: Graduates can perform global business strategy.
Trait 1: Identification of the goals of the strategy--what does it plan to accomplish?
Trait 2: Articulation of the strategy
Trait 3: Plan for the implementation of the strategy

Objective 3: Graduates will evaluate global business strategy.
Trait 1: Role of selected criterion in global business strategy (criterion will depend on the assignment)

Click to access rubric for assessment of global awareness 

Rubric for assessment of Team Peer Evaluation

Click to access rubric for Team Peer Evaluation 

Rubric for assessment of Integration Evaluation

Click to access rubric for Integration Evaluation