Senior Resident Assistant - Syd

Senior Resident Assistant - Sydney

Hey! My name is Sydney, but everyone calls me Syd. I am in my grad year (on a 4+1 Master's track) in Computer Science. This is my fourth year on the University Housing staff, and I will be the Senior RA in Donley this year! I have been a part of Student Government and Delta Tau Sigma sorority. I like drawing, playing guitar, and working out!.



Hi! My name is Wade and this will be my first year as an RA. I study Architecture at LTU, I'm an avid disc golfer, and I've played baseball my entire life. I'll be a Senior this year, and I'm excited to get to know all of the residents!



My name is Madi! I'll be a Sophomore studying Interior Design this year. I have many hobbies I enjoy such as playing soccer, running, and baking! In my free time, I love searching on pinterest to find inspiration. I am excited to be an RA as I will get to meet so many people and grow connections!



Hello, everyone! My name is Cassidy and I'm a third year Architecture student. I am from Saint Clair Shores, MI and went to Lake Shore High School. I love drawing, painting, reading, plants, and clothes! I am in Chi Omega Rho sorority and love spending time with my sorority sisters. I am very excited to meet and get to know all of my residents throughout the year!



My name is Elizabeth, but I go by Libby! I'm a Sophomore in the 5-year Master's of Architecture program and I'm set to graduate early in the Summer 2025 semester. I'm also the Feature Twirler in the LTU Blue Devil Marching Band! I have been twirling for nearly 15 years, and I was also the Feature Twirler in my high school band. Besides twirling, I love to read, play video games, play the flute, and do various arts and crafts. I'm excited to start my first year as an RA this fall!



Hello! My name is Cayd, and I am a third year in the Architectural Engineering program. I enjoy golf and video games. As an RA, I am excited to meet new people and find new opportunities!




Hi, I'm Kam! My pronouns are he/him, and I'm a Senior Architecture major. I'm expecting to be pretty busy this year, but that's the kind of environment I thrive in. A fun fact is I have 78 food allergies, but I can eat still eat peanuts. I'm super excited to return to the RA staff this year, and if you see me on campus, don't hesitate to say hi!



My name is Jenna, and this is my graduate year at LTU! My major is Architectural Engineering with a specialization in Construction Engineering. This is my third year as an RA in Donley Hall!




Hi, my name is Mackenzie, but you can call me Kenzie! Currently, I am a third year Architecture major. In my free time, I love to paint, draw and spend time with friends. I can’t wait to start this year and get to know my residents!