Students who are already working in Industry may have an advantage of choosing the Master thesis approach towards their degree. This option will help students combine their job and academic needs simultaneously.
The Master thesis is worth 9 credits and could substitute for the three elective courses.
The MSEQ is a cross-disciplinary program incorporating engineering, technology, and management.
All coursework can be taken in the evening or online, allowing working students to complete their studies in approximately two years.
Core Courses (21 Credit Hours)
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Technometrics | TIE 5013 | 3 |
Six Sigma 2 | TME 5343 | 3 |
Reliability & Maint. Eng. | EIE 5613 | 3 |
Engineering Project Management | TIE 5343 | 3 |
Engineering Quality Management | TIE 6533 | 3 |
Des. & Analys. Of Quality Imp. Experiments | TIE 6353 | 3 |
Special Topics in Technology | TME 6343 | 3 |
Elective Courses (9 Credit Hours)
Students may fulfill the requirements by one of the two following options:
1. Selecting three of the following courses*:
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Management Information Systems | INT 6043 | 3 |
Manufacturing Processes | EMS 6203 | 3 |
Product Innovation and Design | EMS 6823 | 3 |
Eng. Supply Chain Management | EEM 6753 | 3 |
Production Planning and Control | EMS 6713 | 3 |
Manufacturing Systems | EMS 6703 | 3 |
Lean Manufacturing Systems | EIE 5513 | 3 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing | EMS 6303 | 3 |
Manufacturing Productivity | EMS 6503 | 3 |
*Other elective courses may be chosen based on the interest of the student subject to approval of the program director
2. Complete a Master's Thesis to substitute for the elective courses.
Best Engineering Graduate