In accordance with the federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of the consumer information that must be made available to all current and prospective students at Lawrence Technological University. 

About LTU

Here, we're about “Theory and Practice” – taking abstract ideas into the real world to solve tomorrow’s problems. Our reputation comes as much from what we’re doing now as it does from our storied past.

Lawrence Technological University was born more than 85 years ago in the middle of an innovation explosion that would change the world. None other than Henry and Edsel Ford helped launch the revolutionary experiment that would become LTU, providing guidance and space in their sprawling former Model T assembly plant for the fledgling school.

Today, we’re still changing the world. Since those early beginnings students and alumni have gone on to design and engineer the tools, buildings, and products that helped define their generations. And tomorrow’s LTU students will do the same...

Contact Information

See the full list of the university's contact information.


Lawrence Technological University is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.  Some academic programs have obtained specific professional accreditation.

Find out more about LTU's accreditation process.  Professional accreditations by program can be found here

Budget and Transparency Reporting

View a slide summarizing LTU's budget and Transparency Reporting Process

Complaint Policy and Procedures

Lawrence Technological University encourages students and prospective students to address complaints relating to LTU's institutional policies and consumer protection issues first with personnel in the office or department that led to the complaint alleged.  If needed, senior University administrators may also become involved to help resolve complaints. A detailed complaint process can be found here.

If you have concerns regarding the quality of instruction provided at the University or the University's ongoing ability to meet its accreditation requirements, you may follow the Higher Learning Commission's Complaint Process

If your concerns about the University involve consumer protection issues, your may contact the Consumer Protection Division within the Michigan Attorney General's Office using this procedure.

Nondiscrimination Policy

Lawrence Tech adheres and conforms to all applicable federal, state and local civil rights regulations, statutes and ordinances. No person, student, faculty or staff member will knowingly be discriminated against relative to the above statutes. Lawrence Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contact Human Resources:

Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct outlines the rights and responsibilities and expected levels of conduct of students in the University community. Code of Conduct [PDF]

Intellectual Property Policies

The Lawrence Tech policy on intellectual Property can be found here.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. More information...

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

Lawrence Technological University complies wit the requirements of the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) by completing an annual report of participation rates, financial support and other information on men's and women's intercollegiate athletic programs. The report is available on the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education website.

Academic Programs

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about Lawrence Tech’s academic programs. Browse Arts & Sciences, Architecture & Design, Business & Information Technology, and Engineering, degree sections and imagine yourself working in these fields. It all starts with a great education from LTU.

Need assistance? Contact us now and we’ll help you with planning your academic program.



Accrediting Agencies

Learn more about accreditation at LTU 

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

For information on facilities and services for students with disabilities, contact the Coordinator for Disability Services at 248.204.4119.

You may also visit the Disability Services website

Degree Programs Offered

For a complete listing of all Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral, and Certificate Programs offered at Lawrence Tech

Instructional, Laboratory, & Other Facilities

The various instructional, laboratory, and other facilities associated with the academic programs at Lawrence Tech are maintained by their respective colleges. For information regarding these facilities, please contact the college to which the academic program belongs.

College of Architecture and Design
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Architecture Building, A116
Southfield, MI 48075

College of Arts and Sciences
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Science Building, S103
Southfield, MI 48075

College of Business and Information Technology
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Buell Building, M331
Southfield, MI 48075

College of Engineering
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Engineering Building, E98
Southfield, MI 48075

Faculty & Instructional Personnel

Information on faculty and instructional personnel is maintained by the various colleges. Listing of all personnel by department.

Transfer Credit Policies

Read the Lawrence Tech Transfer Credit Policy, and review the Transfer Evaluation System.

Transfer Guides & Agreements

Read the Lawrence Tech Transfer Credit Policy, along with transfer guides and information on articulation agreements.

Student Success Outcomes

A student success survey administered at the May 2019 Commencement Services found that 86% of candidates either were continuing their education beyond the Bachelor's degree or had already secured employment, or both.

Enrollment Rates: Undergraduate 2021-2022

Full Time Part Time
Men Women Men Women
Degree-seeking, first-time freshman 340 130 3 2
Other first-year, degree-seeking 127 33 14 8
All other degree-seeking 741 330 135 43
Total degree-seeking 1,208 493 152 53
All other undergraduates 0 1 231 218
Total undergraduates 1,208 494 383 271

Enrollment Rates: Undergraduate Summary 2021-2022

Full Time Part Time Men Women Total
Degree-seeking, first-time freshman 470 5 343 132 475
Other first-year, degree-seeking 160 22 141 41 182
All other degree-seeking 1,071 178 876 373 1,249
Total degree-seeking 1,701 205 1,360 546 1,906
All other undergraduates 1 449 231 219 450
Total undergraduates 1,702 654 1,591 765 2,356

Enrollment Rates: Graduate 2021-2022

Full Time Part Time
Men Women Men Women
Degree-seeking, first-time 3 1 61 26
All other degree-seeking 18 5 309 152
All other graduates 0 0 14 10
Total graduates 21 6 384 288

Enrollment Rates: Graduate Summary 2021-2022

Full Time Part Time Men Women Total
Degree-seeking, first-time 4 87 64 27 91
All other degree-seeking 23 461 327 157 484
All other graduates 0 24 14 10 24
Total graduates 27 572 404 194 599

Total All Undergraduates: 2,356

Total All Graduates: 599

Grand Total All Students: 2,955

Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Category 2021-2022

Percentage of
Nonresident aliens 28 187 195 8.3%
Hispanic 34 82 82 3.5%
Black or African
82 221 227 9.6%
288 1,242 1,256 53.3%
American Indian or
Alaskan Native,
4 5 5 0.2%
13 51 59 2.5%
Native Hawaiian or
other Pacific Islander,
0 2 2 0.1%
Two or more races,
12 47 49 2.1%
14 69 481 20.4%
Total graduates 475 1,906 2,356 -

Retention Rates

All full-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduate students who entered Lawrence Technological University as freshmen in Fall 2020 (or the preceding summer term), the percentage enrolled as of the date LTU calculates its official enrollment in Fall 2021 is 72.95%.

Additional Information on retention rates may be found in the University's Common Data Set.

Completion Rates

Information on completion rates may be found in the University's Common Data Set.

Retention Committee


We define “retention” from the federal rules and regulations. Retention is a FTIAC (not a transfer) who begins at our institution, is full time, and is enrolled from Fall to Fall semester. The persistence number is different, and not included within retention. 

Job Placement for Graduates

A student success survey is administered each year initially at Spring Commencement and follow ups are done in approximately 90 days from commencement, The student success outcome is 92% for overall success of graduates participating in the May 2019 commencement. Success outcomes reflect students who are available for employment and/or ongoing academic studies and have accepted employment or decided to pursue graduate studies.

Post Graduate Education

The 2018-19 student success survey identified 10% of students who completed the survey indicated that they plan to pursue graduate studies.

Graduation Rates 2021-2022

A - Initial 2014 cohort of first-time, full-time, bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduate athletes. 329
B - Of the initial 2014 cohort, how many did not persist and did not graduate for the following reasons: deceased, permanently disabled, armed forces, foreign aid service of the federal government, or official church missions; total allowable exclusions 0
C - Final 2014 cohort, after adjusting for allowable exclusions 329
D - Of the initial 2014 cohort, how many completed the program in four years or less (by Aug. 31, 2017) 99
E - Of the initial 2014 cohort, how many completed the program in more than four years but in five years or less (after Aug. 31, 2017 and by Aug. 31, 2018) 75
F - Of the initial 2014 cohort, how many completed the program in more than five years but in six years or less (after Aug. 31, 2018 and by Aug. 31, 2019) 18
G - Total graduating within six years (sum of lines D, E, and F) 192
H - Six-year graduation rate for 2014 cohort (G divided by C) 58.35%

Graduation Rates [Athletes] 2020-2021

A - Initial 2013 cohort of first-time, full-time, bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduate athletes. 92
B - Of the initial 2013 cohort, how many did not persist and did not graduate for the following reasons: deceased, permanently disabled, armed forces, foreign aid service of the federal government, or official church missions; total allowable exclusions 0
C - Final 2013 cohort, after adjusting for allowable exclusions 92
D - Of the initial 2013 cohort, how many completed the program in four years or less (by Aug. 31, 2017) 28
E - Of the initial 2013 cohort, how many completed the program in more than four years but in five years or less (after Aug. 31, 2017 and by Aug. 31, 2018) 28
F - Of the initial 2013 cohort, how many completed the program in more than five years but in six years or less (after Aug. 31, 2018 and by Aug. 31, 2019) 11
G - Total graduating within six years (sum of lines D, E, and F) 67
H - Six-year graduation rate for 2013 cohort (G divided by C) 72.8%

Retention Rates [Athletes]

For the cohort of all full-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduate students who entered your institution as freshmen athletes in Fall 2018 (or the preceding summer term), what percentage was enrolled at your institution as of the date your institution calculates its official enrollment in Fall 2020? 74.7%

Percentages of first-time, first-year (freshman) degree-seeking students and degree-seeking undergraduate enrolled in Fall 2021 who fit the following categories:

First-time, first-year (freshman) students Undergraduates
Percent who are from out of state (exclude international/nonresident aliens from the numerator and denominator) 18.57% 13.04%
Percent of men who join fraternities 5% 4%
Percent of women who join sororities 10% 9%
Percent who live in college-owned, -operated, or –affiliated housing 68% 47.3%
Percent who live off campus or commute 32% 52.7%
Percentage of students age 25 and older 0% 9.8%
Average age of full-time students 18.2 20.5
Average age of all students (full- and part-time) 18.2 21.2

Activities Offered

See the full list of registered Student Organizations


Learn more about housing at LTU.

Attendance Costs

The cost for courses at Lawrence Tech are based on the number of credit hours and vary by level and college. Check out the full tuition and fees schedule here.

Undergraduate full-time tuition, required fees, room and board: 2022-2023 Academic Year

ROOM AND BOARD: (on-campus) $11,320
ROOM ONLY: (on-campus) $7,340
BOARD ONLY: (on-campus meal plan) $3,980

The Office of Financial Aid's website has information on estimated costs.

Total dollar amounts awarded to enrolled full-time and less than full-time degree-seeking undergraduates:

Need-based (Include non-need-based aid use to meet need.) Non-need-based (Exclude non-need-based aid use to meet need.)
Federal $2,307,592.38 $0
State (i.e., all states, not only the state in which your institution is
$2,109,921 $0
Institutional: Endowed scholarships, annual gifts and tuition
funded, grants, awarded by college, excluding athletic aid and
tuition waivers (which are reported below).
$13,888,007.54 $4,592,716.50
Scholarships/grants from external sources (e.g., Kiwanis, National
Merit) not awarded by the college
$313,340.55 $22,675
Total Scholarships/Grants $18,618,861.47 $4,615,391.50
Self Help
Student loans from all sources (excluding parent loans) $6,453,888 $448,746
Federal Work-Study $972,164 $0
State and other (e.g., institutional) work-study/employement
(Note: Excludes Federal Work-Study captured above.)
$0 $0
Total Self-Help $7,426,052 $448,746
Parent Loans $9,092,889 $730,518
Tuition Waivers $335,272 $1,445,685
Athletic Awards $4,039,210 $1,370,435

Number of Enrolled Students Awarded Aid:

First-time Full-time Freshmen Full-time Undergrad (Incl. Fresh) Less Than Full-Time Undergrad
a) Number of degree-seeking undergraduate students (CDS Item B1 if reporting on Fall 2021 cohort) 367 1,629 250
b) Number of students in line a who applied for needbased financial aid 366 1,487 179
c) Number of students in line b who were determined to have financial need 294 1,104 131
d) Number of students in line c who were awarded any financial aid 294 1,098 120
e) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based scholarship or grant aid 288 1,056 104
f) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based self-help aid 221 870 89
g) Number of students in line d who were awarded any none-need-based scholarship or grant aid 280 954 55
h) Number of students in line d whose need was fully met (exclude PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) 64 239 0
i) On average, the percentage of need that was met of students who were awarded any need-based aid.
Exclude any aid that was awarded in excess of need as well as any resources that were awarded to
replace EFC (PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and
private alternative loans)
70.3% 68.3% 28.5%
j) The average financial aid package of those in line
d. Exclude any resources that we awarded to
replace EFC (Plus loans, unsubsidized loans, and
private alternative loans)
$27,833.64 $28,441.99 $13,617.29
k) Average need-based scholarship or grant award of
those in line e
$19,769.95 $17,212.99 $8,139.13
l) Average need-based self-help award (excluding
PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private
alternative loans) of those in line f
$6,173.94 $7,731.35 $7,862.66
m) Average need-based loan (excluding PLUS loans,
unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans)
of those in line f who were awarded a need-based
$5,427.05 $7,058.64 $7,500.84

Net Price Calculator

Calculate your cost with the Net Price Calculator

Textbook Information and Cost

Contact the LTU Bookstore

Federal Financial Aid

Both need-based and non-need-based federal financial aid is available to eligible students. Information on the various programs, as well as information on State, Institutional, and Private aid programs is available.

Financial Aid Availability for Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad programs at Lawrence Tech fall into two broad categories: programs administered by Lawrence Tech and programs administered by other institutions.

For programs administered by Lawrence Tech, students register for the associated course(s) and the hours count towards the student's enrollment for purposes of Federal Financial Aid similarly to a regular, on-campus course.

For programs administered by other institutions, there is no associated course at Lawrence Tech. However, enrollment in the study abroad program at the other institution may be considered enrollment at Lawrence Tech for the purposes of Federal Financial Aid as long as the study abroad program is approved by Lawrence Tech.

Federal Student Loan Terms and Conditions

Students borrowing Federal Direct or Perkins Loans must understand the terms and conditions of those loans. The Master Promissory Not contains all of the information borrowers need. More information on the MPN.

State & Local Financial Aid Programs

Many financial aid programs exist at the State and Local levels. Information on the various programs, as well as information on Federal and Institutional aid programs is available here.

Institutional Financial Aid Programs

Information on Lawrence Tech scholarships, as well as Private and State scholarships is available.

Private Financial Aid Programs

Information on Private scholarships, as well as Institutional and State scholarships is available.
Information on Alternative Loans (also called Private Loans) is available.

Financial Aid Applications

Students apply for Federal Financial Aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

For more information on completing the FAFSA.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Every financial aid program has special requirements for eligibility. Those guidelines that cover all of the Federal Aid programs are available.

Financial Aid Code of Conduct

Find our more about the financial aid code of conduct.

Scholarship Renewal Policy

Find out more about the scholarship renewal policy.

Gap Year Scholarship Policy

Find out more about the Gap Year Scholarship Policy

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The rights and responsibilities of students receiving financial aid are explained in Entrance Counseling. Find information on Entrance Counseling here.

Work Study Terms and Conditions

Information on the terms and conditions of any employment that is part of an award package is available.

Further information on campus employment may be found at the Career Services website.

Student Loan Repayment & Exit Counseling

Information on the terms of, the schedules for, and the necessity of loan repayment is available in Exit Counseling. Find information on Exit Counseling here.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policies

Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress towards their degree in order to continue to received financial aid. Lawrence Tech's complete SAP policy is available.

Withdrawing from Lawrence Tech, Return of Federal Student Aid Funds

Information on the requirements for the return of federal student aid funds when a student withdraws from school is available.

Campus Security Statistics and Policies

The Lawrence Tech Campus Safety Department's website contains information on campus security statistics and campus security policies:

Detailed information can be found in the Campus Safety Guide.

Fire, Safety, and Security Report

The Lawrence Tech Campus Safety Department maintains data on fire, safety, and security concerns at Lawrence Tech.

Annual Security Report here
More information can be found at

Emergency Response & Evacuation Procedures

The Lawrence Tech Campus Safety Department maintains the Emergency Response Plan. 

Download the  Emergency Response Plan

 Additional information on Emergency Procedures can be found at

Vaccination Policies

Students are encouraged to work with a medical professional to determine any immunizations they should receive.

Sexual Assault - Title IX Compliance

Lawrence Technological University is deeply committed to creating and sustaining an educational environment that is conducive to learning and scholarship and is supportive of students and employees.

No person shall be subject to discrimination or harassment in any program or activity of the University based upon race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, sexual orientation, military or veteran’s status, genetic information, or any other characteristic that is protected by applicable state or federal law.

Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based/Gender Discrimination

Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based/Gender Discrimination can take many forms, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, domestic or dating violence, interpersonal violence, stalking, or other forms of sex-based or gender harassment or discrimination.

These types of conduct are prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct, and Lawrence Technological University’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy and by law.

Information regarding Lawrence Tech's Sexual Misconduct policy.

Reporting Sexual Assault

To report an incident regarding sexual harassment or sexual violence, there are many places you can start, including the following Title IX Coordinators for students:

Kevin Finn, Dean of Students

Cyndi Spotts, Assistant Dean of Students

Kim Jerdine, Director of Residence Life

Steve Bogdalek, Executive Director, Campus Safety

Disciplinary Proceedings

Honesty, integrity, and caring are essential qualities of an educational institution, and the concern for values and ethics is important to the whole educational experience. Lawrence Technological University holds students accountable for their choices and actions through the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Honor Code. The Dean of Students office oversees both of these codes for the University. Students accused of violations have the right to a hearing. Hearing/disciplinary procedures are laid out in the appropriate code. 

Student Code of Conduct

Academic Honor Code 

Missing Person Notification Policy

Suspected missing students should be reported immediately to the LTU Department of Campus Safety (DCS). If members of the LTU community believe that a student has been missing for 24 hours, it is critical that they report that information to the DCS by calling 248.204.3945, or ext. 3945 from a campus phone. A student is determined to be missing when the LTU Department of Campus Safety has verified that the reported information is credible and circumstances warrant declaring the person missing.

Should the LTU Department of Campus Safety investigate and determine that a residential student is a missing person, the following notification process will be initiated. Contact will be made to the missing person’s emergency contact, if contact information has been provided, within twenty-four (24) hours of the determination that the student is missing by the Dean of Students or designee. If the student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, the Dean of Students will notify the student’s parent or guardian and any other designated missing person contact person within 24 hours.

The Dean of Student's Office and the Department of Campus Safety will have the primary initial investigative authority. For the purposes of this policy, upon report of a missing enrolled residential student, an initial investigation will be instituted and priority will be determined. There is no prescribed "waiting period" prior to consideration of a missing person's investigation. 

More Details on this policy can be found in the Annual Security Report.