If you see something, speak up! 


- Assess the situation and contact 9-1-1 to report injury accidents or the Campus Safety Department for property damage accidents at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.

- Provide Emergency Responders with the following:
   What occurred
   Where it occurred
   Any known injuries
   When it occurred
   Who was involved


An active shooter describes one or more armed persons whose only objective is to cause serious injury or death to as many persons as possible. Normally there is no pattern concerning which victim will be selected by the intruder. However, there are certain things you can do to minimize your chances of becoming a victim. Incidents of this type tend to escalate very quickly and will require the immediate response from armed law enforcement officers to contain and stop the incident. In the following guide you will find certain suggestions that faculty members, students and staff can take if you are ever confronted with a situation of this nature. Remember to stay calm, follow these simple steps during an emergency and your chance of being a victim can be greatly reduced.

Shooting incident outside:
- Immediately run to a building, enter a room, and lock the door if possible.
- Drop anything you are carrying that may slow you down.
- If you can't get inside, use a tree, vehicle, mailbox etc. for cover and concealment from the gunman.
- If you are caught out in the open get on the ground and lay flat, do not move until the gunman has left the area.
- As soon as possible call 9-1-1 and tell the police where you are and if you need any medical attention.
- Provide a detailed description of the assailant and the direction he/she was last observed traveling toward.

Shooting incident Inside of a building:
- Stay and shelter in place. Remain in a room that can be locked or barricaded.
- If you are not in a secure location and it is safe to move, go to a near-by room that can be locked or barricaded.
- Reinforce the door with furniture, desks, file cabinets or any other material available to you.
- Turn off the lights and computer monitors, close the blinds and cover any door window with an opaque cover.
- Keep as quiet as possible, stay down low near a wall away from the door and windows in the room.
- Place all cellular phones on silent or vibrate mode.
- Call 9-1-1 as soon as possible. Give your exact location to the police. Tell them how many others are with you and if anyone needs medical attention.
- Describe the assailant if he/she was observed by you.
- Do not open the door to any voice commands even if you recognize the voice.
- Wait until you are sure the police are present before opening the door. If needed, call 9-1-1 to confirm that law enforcement officers have arrived.
- If the assailant attempts to enter the room you are in, be prepared to throw objects at him/her and fight for your life!

When Police arrive:
- Follow the instructions of the police officers exactly.
- Keep your hands visible at all times.
- Do not touch anything at the crime scene.
- Do not leave the campus until you are instructed to do so by the police or Campus Safety personnel.
- Remember you may be a witness to a crime and may be required to speak with investigators.


Take the caller seriously! DO NOT HANG-UP ON THE CALLER!

Remain calm and try to remember the exact words of the threat. Write details down and attempt to learn answers to the following questions, if possible:

- “When is the bomb going to explode?”
- “Where is the bomb right now?”
- “What does the bomb look like?”
- “What kind of bomb is it?”
- “What will cause the bomb to explode?”
- “Did you place the bomb?”
- “Why is the bomb being placed?”
- “Who are you?”
- “Where are you? Where do you live?”
- “What is your phone number?”

Also, the police will want to know other details, if possible:

- Estimations on age, sex and race based on what was said and how it was said
- Any distinguishing aspects of their voice (tone, accent, slurred, impediment, etc.)
- Were there any background noises that could be heard

While the call is in progress, attempt to get someone’s attention and have him/her call the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone. If you cannot get assistance, call the Southfield Police Department as soon as the call ends.


Civil Disturbances include riots, demonstrations, or assemblies that have become significantly disruptive.

- Assess situation.
- Call 9-1-1 for any life threatening emergency.
- Call Campus Safety for all other disturbances at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
- Avoid provoking or obstructing demonstrators.
- Secure your area (stay inside, lock buildings etc.).
- Continue normal routines (if possible).
- Stay away from windows and doors.
- Prepare for evacuation or relocation (Campus Safety will advise).


If you smell smoke or see flames in any building on campus:

- Manually activate the fire alarm system.
- Call 9-1-1.
- STOP-DROP-ROLL if your clothes catch on fire.
- If safe to do so, exit the building immediately, close doors.
- Drop to your hands and knees-crawl to an exit.
- Stay low and hold your breath as much as possible.
- Breathe shallow through the nose.
- If unable to exit, be prepared to signal to someone outside, but do not break windows as a rush of air will feed the fire.

If you are in a building when the fire alarm is activated:

- WALK to the nearest exit or stairwell.
- Assist persons with special needs.
- Notify First Responders if you know of someone trapped in the building.
- Feel the door with your back of your hand before using it.
- Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of your safety.
- Do not use elevators.
- Do not break windows.
- Stay low if moving through the smoke.


- Evacuate the flooded area.
- Contact the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
- Use extreme caution around electric wires, appliances, equipment, etc.
- Secure vital equipment and chemicals.
- Don’t return to the building unless you have been given instructions by the Campus Safety Department.


Only trained and authorized personnel are permitted to respond to hazardous materials incidents! Employees must be trained in the safe use of chemicals or chemical management prior to working in a lab or cleaning up minor spills.

Minor spill or leak:
- Attempt to contain the spill.
- Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while cleaning up the spill/leak.
- Notify supervisor and call the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.

Major hazardous spill:
- Call the Campus Safety Department immediately at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
- Do not attempt to clean up the spill yourself.
- Provide clean-up/rescue personnel with appropriate Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and other important information.


Call the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone and they will respond. Advanced Life Support will be contacted as needed.

Providence Hospital
16001 W Nine Mile Rd
Southfield, MI 48075
p. 248-849-3000


Beaumont Health Center
4949 Coolidge Hwy
Royal Oak. MI 48073
p. 248-655-6000


Concentra Urgent Care
26185 Greenfield Road
Southfield, MI 48075
p. (248) 569-2040



Mental health emergencies include:
- A person's statements involving harm to self or others
- Strange / destructive behavior
- Severe emotional behavior

If you come in contact with a mental health emergency:
- Call 9-1-1 if the situation is life threatening.
- Call the Campus Safety Department if the situation is non-life threatening at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
- Remain calm...keep the person talking…call other resources to assist.

- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- LTU Counseling Center 248-204-4100 or 4100 from any campus phone.


Remain calm and notify the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.

Major Power Outage:
- Follow direction of Campus Safety.
- Shelter in place until the situation is evaluated.
- Lab personnel should secure all experiments and unplug electric equipment prior to evacuating.
- Do not light candles or any other type of flame for lighting.
- Turn off light switches. Unplug all electric equipment (Computer, etc.).

People trapped in Elevator:
- Keep the passengers calm and let them know you are getting help.
- Call 9-1-1 for any life-threatening emergency.

Call the Campus Safety Department for non-life threatening emergencies.


If a package or envelope appears suspicious, NON-EMERGENCY PERSONNEL SHOULD NOT OPEN OR TOUCH IT. Call the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone and secure/clear the area.

Some characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes include the following:

- Inappropriate or unusual labeling
   Excessive postage
   Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
   Misspellings of common words
   Strange return address or no return address
   Incorrect titles or title without a name
   Not addressed to a specific person
   Marked with restrictions, e.g. “Personal,” “Confidential” or “Do not x-ray”
   Marked with threatening language
   Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address

- Appearance
   Powdery substance felt through or appearing on the package
   Oily stains, discolorations or odor
   Lopsided or uneven envelope
   Excessive packaging material such as masking tape, string, etc.

- Other suspicious signs
   Excessive weight
   Ticking sound
   Protruding wires or aluminum foil

Other things to consider:
1. Is the package expected?
2. Sent from someone known?
3. Addressed to someone no longer at the location or non-existent?
4. Unusual weight, size or shape?
5. Any threats? Why would the victim be a target?


Examples of behavior deemed threatening or harmful include:

- Stalking actions or other unwanted non-physical contacts by another.
   Do not confront the stalker.
   Call 9-1-1, or the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
   Seek safety with groups or others.
   Note the physical description of the stalker, vehicle, etc.

- Assaultive actions involving unwanted physical contact.
   Call 9-1-1, or the Campus Safety Department at 248-204-3945 or 3945 from any campus phone.
   Seek safety and medical attention if needed. Remain with the victim until EMS, Police arrive.
   Domestic Violence shelters in Oakland County:
        Interim House (Downtown) 313-861-5300
        First Step (Westside) 734-722-6800 or 888-453-5900



- Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.
- Look for the following danger signs:
    Dark, often greenish sky
    Large hail
    A large, dark, low-lying cloud (particularly if rotating)
    Loud roar, similar to a freight train
    If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.


- Go to the pre-designated shelter areas that are marked on maps in each campus building.
- As a rule, if a building has no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table or desk and use your arms to protect your head and neck.
- In a high-rise building, go to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible.
- Do not open windows.