The AAC has many resources available to writers, including style guides for MLA, APA, and Chicago. We also have workbooks and manuals on grammar and mechanics. We have most of the literary texts used in the Humanities courses offered at Lawrence Tech, and we can loan these books to you if you need them.
Websites of interest:
The LTU Library web page offers tools for citing and making references in your assignments. It includes Citing Sources and RefWorks.
The OWL at Purdue (Purdue University Online Writing Lab) is a one-stop shop for all things writing. Here you can find resources on anything and everything related to writing, including style guides, avoiding plagiarism, developing a thesis statement, and using evidence. You can also email "The OWL" if you have questions that are not addressed at the site.
The University of Wisconsin at Madison Writing Center has a writing handbook that includes sections on stages in the writing process, improving your writing style, and citing references in papers.
The Writing Center at Harvard University has various downloadable resources on different aspects of the writing process. Harvard also produces a number of discipline-specific Student Writing Guides.
The Modern Language Association (MLA) provides information about MLA style and how to purchase their authoritative publications on MLA style.
The American Psychological Association (APA) style site provides information on how to purchase official APA publication manual.
AAC Handouts:
Click on the titles below to download documents related to academic writing and proper citation of sourcesParaphrasing
Evaluating Internet Sources
Common Knowledge
APA Self-paced Tutorial