The Lawrence Tech IRB (IRB00005791, expires 01/19/2025) is organized and operated according to guidelines of the United States Office for Human Research Protections and the United States Code of Federal Regulations and operates under Federal Wide Assurance No. FWA00010997, expires 09/29/2025.

The main responsibility of the LTU IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of the human subjects participating in research conducted by representatives of Lawrence Tech (e.g., faculty, staff, students) as well as monitoring research development, testing and evaluation methods. 

The LTU IRB is chaired by Dr. Matthew Cole, Associate Professor, College of Business and Information Technology. The IRB is comprised of an interdisciplinary team of faculty and staff. The IRB is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical standards to ensure protection of all human research participants. IRB approval is generally not required when human subjects data are used for "in-house" review, such as teaching evaluation, course evaluation, or quality assurance. 

All human subjects research that is being conducted for grants and/or contracts requires IRB approval. IRB approval is also required if you plan on publishing the data beyond Lawrence Tech, such as in a conference presentation or journal publication. Please review the following flow chart on when LTU IRB approval is required: When is LTU IRB Approval Required? To begin the IRB approval process complete the Application for Approval to Conduct Research with Human Participants and submit to prior to inviting any participants to your study. 

To protect yourself and act proactively with regards to helping the IRB comply with federal requirements please contact with any questions.

Except for internal departmental, college, university, or other Lawrence Tech administrative purposes, such as teaching evaluation, course evaluation, or quality assurance, all requests to recruit Lawrence Tech faculty, staff, and students for participation in research will be made to and will be accompanied by the Application for Approval to Conduct Research with Human Participants.

IRB Members

Dr. Matthew Cole, Associate Professor Management and Psychology, IRB Chair (Sole reviewer for Exempt and Expedited review paths)

Dr. David Svinarich, Vice President, Research/Academic Affairs, Ascension Michigan (External Member)

Dr. Therese Jamison, Director of Nursing

Dr. Eric Meyer, Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Julie Zweisler-Vollick, Associate Professor Biology and Biochemistry

Kathryn Wrench, Director of Sponsored Research & Institutional Grants

General Information

IRB Memo from Provost 

LTU Activites Requiring IRB Approval 

Learn All About It  IRB presentation by Dr. Matthew Cole

Online Training Training Exam - Required for IRB Approval

Online Training Exam Study Guide 

Protecting Human Subjects Video - Part 1 (National Institutes of Health)

Protecting Human Subjects Video - Part 2 (National Institutes of Health)

Protecting Human Subjects Video - Part 3 (National Institutes of Health)

IRB Application and Forms

Application for Approval to Conduct Research With Human Participants 

Informed Consent Form Template for BME Project 

Informed Consent Form Template for Survey or Interview 

Informed Consent Form Template for Online Survey 

Template for Preparing a Participant Recruitment Flyer  

Confidentiality Agreement Template 

Data Use Agreement Template 

Application for Approval to Continue Research With Human Participants 

If you have any questions about IRB processes, procedures, or forms, please contact or


Kathryn Wrench, MBA, CRA
Executive Director
Sponsored Research and Institutional Grants

P 248.204.3067
O M345

Proposal Notification Form