The policies and procedures described herein are also described in the Catalog and determine the academic status of students enrolled in the University. Exceptions to these policies and procedures may be considered only upon request to the Office of the Provost.

Classification as a part-time or full-time student is based upon the weekly academic load which the student carries. Undergraduate students are considered full-time when registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours. Part-time for undergraduates is 6 credit hours.

Graduate students are considered full-time when enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours. Part-time for graduate students is 3 credit hours.

These classifications apply to all three semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer!

Please note: Some Financial Aid is dependent on students carrying a full-time course load and will be prorated if the student carries anything less. Please see the Financial Aid website for more information.

Students in undergraduate programs are classified as follows:

Freshman 0-29 credit hours
Sophomore 30-59 credit hours
Junior 60-89 credit hours
Senior 90+ credit hours

The University converted from a quarter credit system to a semester system effective beginning in the Fall of 1994. Work completed prior to August 1994 is recorded in standard quarter hours. Work completed after August 1994 is recorded in semester hours. Quarter hours convert to semester hours by multiplying quarter hours using a factor of two-thirds. 

LTU Credit Hour Policy

A record of grade point is kept in the student’s permanent record and used to determine his or her overall scholastic average. The following grades are computed in grade point average:

A 4.0  
A- 3.7  
B+ 3.3  
B 3.0  
B- 2.7  
C+ 2.3  
C 2.0  
C- 1.7  
D+ 1.3 Not applicable to graduate students
D 1.0 Not applicable to graduate students
D- 0.7 Not applicable to graduate students
F 0.0  
WF 0.0 Failure due to non-attendance
WN 0.0 No credit due to non-attendance

Students who wish to dispute their grades have one (1) semester to address the issue. The appropriate procedure for disputing grades, along with any other aspect of a course, is as follows:

  1. The student must first speak with the instructor of the course;
  2. If the resolution is not what the student hopes to achieve, the next course of action is to speak with the department chairperson for the course;
  3. Again if the outcome from addressing the issue with the department chair is not what the student hopes to achieve, the student should then address the issue with the Dean of the college of the course;
  4.  Finally, if that resolution is not what the student hopes to achieve, the last and FINAL course of action is to speak with the Provost. The ruling of the Provost is FINAL and no longer disputable by the student.

Undergraduate Students:

Students may repeat a course to improve the grade earned in a prior attempt, the course must be completed at Lawrence Tech. Students should be aware that the most recent grade will be the grade of record whether or not it is the highest grade earned.

Until a passing grade is achieved, all grades for earlier attempts in a course will appear on the transcript and will be computed into the grade point average. Once a course has been passed, only the credit hours and grade for the latest attempt will be reflected in the grade point average.

In order for the grade point average to be recomputed, the latest attempt must be in the same course as the one originally shown on the transcript. Directed study or special topics courses may not be eligible for the repeat process as the topic of study may vary from one course to another.

Students who have been found in violation of the Academic Honor Code and receive an inclusive final grade of “F” for that course are not eligible for the repeat process.

The University does not guarantee that a course will be offered in the future. Therefore, students will not be eligible for recomputation of a course no longer offered by the University.

The recalculation of the grade point average is an automated process within Enrollment Services/Office of the Registrar; the student is not required to submit any paperwork.

Graduate Students:

Graduate students can repeat one course during their academic career and have the grade removed from the grade point average. The following grades may be repeated and the grade point average recalculated at the graduate level: A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, F and WF. The latest attempt must have resulted in a passing grade. Until that point, all grades will appear on the transcript and will be included in the grade point average.

The repeat process at the graduate level is not automatic and requires departmental approval. A request for a repeated course to be removed from the grade point average should be submitted to your department chairperson. You can obtain the form by clicking here.

To be recomputed, the latest attempt must be the same course as the first and must be part of the University’s normal course offerings. Directed study or special sections may not be used for recomputation purposes.

The University does not represent that a course will be offered in a future semester and may be deleted from the curriculum which subsequently may not be recomputed.

When the recomputation is completed, only the credit hours and grade for the latest attempt will be reflected in the grade point average (assuming the grade received is passing). Courses that are not counted in the grade point average are indicated by an “E” (for exclude) in the column that is labeled “R” (for repeat). The passing course will have an “I” (for include) in the same column.

To gain a better understanding of the the following items/policies, Lawrence Tech has defined Program, Degree, Major, Minor, Concentration, Certificate, and our credit hour policies.

LTU Policy on Degrees, Minors, and Certificates

Any Lawrence Technological University (LTU) student may choose to identify themselves with a preferred first name (also known as a lived / chosen name) that differs from their legal name to be used whenever possible in the course of university business and education.  A person may go by a different preferred first name for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: being transgender, having a gender identity different from sex assigned at birth, surviving abuse/trafficking, or having a name differing from their legal name because they are an international student.

A student’s preferred first name will appear instead of the person’s legal first name in LTU systems, records, and documents where possible including:

  • Class rosters
  • University ID card
  • Canvas
  • Diploma if Requested by the Student when Completing the Application to Graduate
  • On campus Housing Rosters
  • Sponsored Clubs, Organizations, Activities and Programs
  • News Releases
  • Advisee Reports
  • Degree Audit Reports
  • Study Abroad Registration
  • Orientation Scheduling
  • Course Evaluation
  • Wellness Programs
  • Applicable Internal Surveys
  • Athletics and Intramural Rosters
  • Music and Theater Related Event Programs
  • Publicity Materials for Official University Sanctioned Events
  • Other University Events and Publications, as appropriate

However, unless the student undertakes the process of changing their legal name, the student’s legal name will continue to appear as required by law in the following LTU systems, records, and documents:

  • Financial aid records
  • Transcripts
  • Payroll records
  • Background Checks
  • Contracting and Purchasing
  • Immigration Documents
  • Medical and Insurance Records
  • Compliance with Subpoenas
  • Application for, and use of, VA benefits
  • Compliance reporting for internal and external auditing process
  • Compliance reporting requirements as mandated by the State of Michigan
  • Compliance reporting requirements as mandated by authorized entities of the United States Government

The use of a preferred first name cannot be for the purpose of misrepresentation or fraud.  Inappropriate usage of the preferred name policy (including but not limited to avoiding a legal obligation or choosing a name interpreted as offensive) will result in removal of the preferred name.   A preferred first name must otherwise comply with all LTU policies.

Upon submission of a preferred name, the student may obtain an updated ID card with the preferred name free of charge.  Students may submit requests for updated ID card with preferred name by emailing .   Subsequent preferred name changes by the same student may result in a reasonable charge to obtain a new ID card. The preferred first name can be removed at any time by a written request from the student to Academic and Student Records at

To designate a preferred first name, complete the form found here. Submit completed form to .

Lawrence Technological University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify, or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, or guidelines relevant to this subject.


  • Gender Identity: One’s internal sense of self and their gender, whether that is man, woman, neither or both
  • Legal Name: The name of a person recognized on official records, especially as recorded on a birth certificate or the name that can be changed through the legal process
  • Preferred / Lived / Chosen Name: A self-chosen name that is used instead of a legal name
  • Transgender / Trans: Describes a person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth
  • Non-binary: An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “woman” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither

Lawrence Technological University (LTU) is required to record the legal sex of a student.  This information is obtained at the time the student applies to LTU, and is used for reporting purposes only.  LTU also recognizes and appreciates that a student may identify themselves by a different gender that should be used whenever possible in the course of university business and education.

A student can record their Gender Designation within our Student Information System (SIS) to reflect the gender identity that best fits the student.  At this time, there are five possible gender identities to select on SIS.  The five gender identities are:

  1. Female – relates to legal sex
  2. Male – relates to legal sex
  3. Transgender woman – legal sex assigned at birth was male, gender identity is female
  4. Transgender man – legal sex assigned at birth was female, gender identity is male
  5. Non-binary – An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “woman” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither

If a student does not select a Gender Designation, their gender will reflect their legal sex. 

To record a Gender Designation, complete the form found here.


  • Legal Sex: A person’s sex as designated at birth
  • Gender Identity: One’s internal sense of self and their gender, whether that is man, woman, neither or both
  • Preferred / Lived / Chosen Name: A self-chosen name that is used instead of a legal name
  • Transgender / Trans: Describes a person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth
  • Non-binary: An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “woman” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither

Lawrence Technological University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify, or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, or guidelines relevant to this subject.

Lawrence Technological University (LTU) recognizes addressing someone by their correct pronouns is one of the most basic ways to show respect for their gender identity. LTU strives to not assume someone’s pronouns and to use the correct pronouns for students in every possible aspect of university business and education.

Lawrence Technological University (LTU) students may designate their pronouns. The pronouns selected by the student will be used in all possible areas of university business and education to guide faculty, staff and administration as to a student’s pronouns.  Student pronouns currently appear on our advising site, Canvas, and various reports.   The pronouns a student may designate are:

  1. He/Him/His
  2. She/Her/Hers
  3. They/Them/Theirs
  4. He/They
  5. She/He/They
  6. She/They

To designate your pronouns, complete the form found here.


  • Gender Identity: One’s internal sense of self and their gender, whether that is man, woman, neither or both

Lawrence Technological University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify, or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, or guidelines relevant to this subject.