All classroom scheduling for Lawrence Technological University is handled by the Scheduling Team within Enrollment Services. We work closely with all academic departments as well as Disability Services to ensure that each course is placed in a suitable classroom.

Schedules are rolled by the Scheduling Team from one term to the next (i.e. Fall 2019 to Fall 2020, Spring 2020 to Spring 2021). The Scheduling Team will frequently send out email reminders regarding deadlines for schedule changes/edits. Although we cannot guarantee that all room preferences will be met, we continually strive to accommodate as many as possible. Once open room scheduling begins for a term it becomes extremely more difficult if not impossible to fulfill these requests.

Time blocks

Below you will find the semester time block schedules. Departments are required to use the specified time blocks when offering their courses. The scheduling team cannot enter any classes that deviate from these times unless an exception or agreement has been made between the Registrar, Provost, and the Dean of the College offering the course. All approvals must be submitted to the scheduling team via email before any deviations can be entered. The only standing exceptions to the time block policy are lab and studio courses.

Fall and Spring Semester Time Blocks
Summer Semester Time Blocks

Policy on room changes

At any time if an instructor would like to request a room change they first need to contact their department. The department scheduling contact will then email a request to the Scheduling Team at Please try to include all important and relevant information in the request (ex. CRN, day, time, etc.). Again, while we cannot guarantee all requests will be possible due to space availability we will strive to accommodate as best we can.