This page provides information to faculty members on proposing new academic programs, certificates, concentrations, or minors, as well as proposing new courses or changes to existing courses. Please consult with your Department Chair, Dean, or Associate Provost if you have any questions about these procedures.

New Academic Program Process Flowchart PDF

  1. Proposals for new academic programs should use the New Academic Program Proposal Template (Microsoft Word).
  2. Any new courses required to support a new academic program must follow the New Course Approval Process discussed below.
  3. All new academic programs are approved by the department chair, college faculty council, and dean
  4. All new programs must also be reviewed and approved by either the Faculty Senate if an undergraduate program or the University Graduate Council if a graduate program.
  5. The College Dean submits new programs for review by the University Deans' Council using the New Academic Program Proposal Template.

Certificate, Concentration and Minor Authorization Form PDF 

  1. Proposals for new academic certificate programs follow the same procedures used for proposing new academic programs.
  2. New academic certificate programs must be comprised of courses used in support of existing academic degree programs.
  3. Any new courses required to support a new academic program must follow the New Course Approval Process discussed below. New courses must be associated with a full degree program.
  4. Academic certificate programs may be offered to graduate students and senior undergraduate students by using 5000 level courses and ensuring that undergraduate students meet appropriate academic requirements.

New Course Approval Docusign Form

    1. 7.2.2. New Academic Courses

      Any faculty member or program director may propose a new course by submitting a completed Course Approval Form to the relevant department chairperson. The chairperson will present the course to the department for its approval and then, if approved, to the dean. The dean will, after consultation with the Faculty Advisory Council, determine if the course is appropriate. Upon approval by the Dean the course description will be sent to the Registrar for catalog listing and return the information to the originating department.

      All new courses are submitted by the proposing faculty member via a Docusign based process.  Course descriptions should be clear, accurate, concise, and precise. Focus only on the content of the course. Avoid using unneeded preambles such as "In this course the student will...." or "This course provides...." Follow the University Style Guide wherever possible. Course descriptions are not required to use complete sentences, but phrases must use proper grammar. Do not capitalize words unnecessarily. Avoid implied performance guarantees such as "By the end of the course students will be able to ..."