Considerations in Recruiting Full-time, Tenure-eligible Faculty PDF 

A list of steps and strategies used to recruit and hire full-time faculty members
*The more thoroughly a department examines the external and internal environments, before it presents a request to fill a position, the better the case it can make for launching a search.
*Though often overlooked, the existence of a published strategy can spell the difference between success and failure. The search strategy weaves together all the succeeding steps in the process, linking them to a specific timetable. While schedule adjustments are inevitable as the process unfolds, an explicit written schedule will make it easier for adjustments to be made in ways that will keep the overall process on track.
*Once the offer is made, you may contact and sound out the candidate. A call from the chair can impress upon the candidate that the department really wants him/her to come. After all, it is the department that will be the person’s future “intellectual home.”

Marjorie Olmstead: “Mentoring Junior Faculty” PDF

  • Make the Expectations and Criteria for Promotion Clear
  • Facilitate the Acquisition of Resources to Meet these Expectations
  • Give Frequent and Accurate Feedback
  • * Reduce the Impediments to Progress towards Promotion

Kina Mallard: “Preparing for Academic Performance Appraisal” PDF

  • Faculty are typically evaluated in three areas: teaching effectiveness, research and productivity, and service to the institution and community. The chair or dean should prepare evaluation criteria in advance and share these criteria with each faculty. The criteria must align with the institutional requirements and mission.
  • Determining development goals involves a process called performance mapping. Performance mapping stems from the path-goal theory of leadership. In the educational context, the chair or dean helps the faculty member determine professional goals for the future and maps a plan that guides the faculty member toward the determined goals.
  • In addition to the administrator's preparation, the faculty member must also be encouraged to prepare. The chair or dean has the responsibility of coaching the faculty member for the interview. Too often faculty enter their evaluation interview unaware and unprepared. This only adds to the inherent anxiety and frustration that is experienced by both parties.

Position Analysis Process

An overview or preface to the job analysis process - why it's important and so helpful

Blank Job Analysis Form

Outline of Job Analysis - Search Strategy

An outline of a proposed set of HR related "tools" that flow from the job analysis

Welcoming Adjuncts Into Your Department PDF 

Adjunct Faculty Evaluations PDF

Each department is responsible for evaluating the performance of all adjunct faculty. This document summarizes how each department handles evaluations. Please direct questions to the appropriate department chair.