Admission to the MSIE program as a regular graduate student requires the demonstration of highpotential for success based on the following:
- Submission of the Online Application for Graduate Admission
- Official transcripts of all college work*,**
- Resume
- A minimum of one Letter of Recommendation (employers and professors are preferred);
- Statement of Purpose (Optional, 1 page)
* Applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited U.S. institution –or– anon-U.S. degree equivalent to a four-year U.S. baccalaureate degree from a college or universityof government recognized standing.
** A Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, science, math, computer science or physicalscience (or technical related field) (minimum GPA of 3.0);
Applicants who do not meet all requirements may be admitted on a conditional basis and will begranted regular status upon the completion of three consecutive graduate-level courses with aminimum 3.0 GPA.
A maximum of six semester hours of graduate engineering courses taken at other accreditedengineering colleges may be transferred, provided they are deemed relevant by the GraduateAdmissions Committee. Transferred courses must have been taken in the last five years and agrade of B (3.0) or higher must have been achieved. Students should petition the GraduateAdmissions Committee by letter prior to completion of the first semester of graduate work.Students must submit evidence, in addition to transcripts, in the form of syllabi and examinationsfor each transfer course proposed. The committee may require the applicant to demonstrateproficiency in the subject matter through interviews with faculty members who have expertise inthe subject.