The 132 credit-hour program consists of:
Fall Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Calculus 1 | MCS 1414 | 4 |
University Chemistry 1 | CHM 1213 | 3 |
University Chemistry 1 Lab | CHM 1221 | 1 |
Fund. of Engr. Design | EGE 1001 | 1 |
Intro to C. | MCS 1142 | 2 |
College Composition | COM 1103 | 3 |
Intro to ECE | EEE 1001 | 1 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Spring Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
World Masterpieces 1 | LLT 1213 | 3 |
Technical and Prof. Communication | COM 2103 | 3 |
Calculus 2 | MCS 1424 | 4 |
Principles of Economics | SSC 2303 | 3 |
University Physics 1 | PHY 2413 | 3 |
University Physics 1 Lab | PHY 2421 | 1 |
TOTAL | 17 |
Fall Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Foundations of the American Exp. | SSC 2413 | 3 |
World Masterpieces 2 | LLT 1223 | 3 |
Calculus 3 | MCS 2414 | 4 |
University Physics 2 | PHY 2423 | 3 |
University Physics 2 Lab | PHY 2431 | 1 |
Digital Electronics and Lab | EEE 2214 | 4 |
TOTAL | 18 |
Spring Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Differential Equations | MCS 2423 | 3 |
Intro. to Thermal Systems | EME 4613 | 3 |
Development of the American Exp. | SSC 2423 | 3 |
Intro to Mechanical Systems | EME 4603 | 3 |
Circuits 1 | EEE 2114 | 4 |
Circuits 1 Lab | EEE 2111 | 1 |
TOTAL | 17 |
Fall Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Probability and Statistics | MCS 3403 | 3 |
Adv. Eng. Mathematics | MCS 3413 | 3 |
Microprocessors | EEE 3233 | 3 |
Microprocessors Lab | EEE 3231 | 1 |
Leadership & Prof. Dev. | EGE 3022 | 2 |
Circuits 2 | EEE 3124 | 4 |
Circuits 2 Lab | EEE 3121 | 1 |
TOTAL | 17 |
Spring Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Engr. Cost Analysis | EGE 3012 | 2 |
Electromagnetic Fields | EEE 3414 | 4 |
Electronics | EEE 3314 | 4 |
Electronics Lab | EEE 3311 | 1 |
Intro to ECE Project | EEE 3011 | 1 |
Concentration Course #1* | EEE XXX3 | 3 |
EE Lab | EEE xxx1 | 1 |
TOTAL | 16 |
Fall Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Control Systems and Lab | EEE 4514 | 4 |
ECE Project 1 | EEE 4812 | 2 |
Concentration Course #2* | EEE 4XX3 | 3 |
EE Technical Elective** | EEE 4XX3 | 3 |
Business Plan | EGE 3361 | 1 |
Signals and Systems | EEE 3423 | 3 |
TOTAL | 16 |
Spring Semester
Course Name | Course # | Credits |
Communication Systems | EEE 4424 | 4 |
Concentration Course #3* | EEE 4XX3 | 3 |
EE Technical Elective** | EEE 4XX3 | 3 |
ECE Projects 2 | EEE 4822 | 2 |
EE Lab | EEE 4XX1 | 1 |
Junior/Senior Elective | LLT/SSC/PSY 3XX3/4XX3 |
3 |
TOTAL | 16 |
**The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering offers three optional areas of technical concentration:
1. Computer Engineering
2. Electronics Engineering
3. Power Engineering
An intention to complete one of these concentrations should be officially declared upon reaching junior status; the required application form can be obtained from the LTU's One-Stop Center. Please consult your assigned academic advisor for further information.
**A list of electrical and computer engineering technical electives is available from the Department of Electrical ad Computer Engineering, room E217.
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Find out more about the Outcomes + Objectives and Enrollment Data
Learn more about ABET accredited programs in the College of Engineering
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