Admission to the MSAI program as a regular graduate student requires the demonstration of high potential for success based on the following:
- Submission of the Online Application for Graduate Admission
- Official transcripts of all college work*,**
- Resume
- A minimum of one Letter of Recommendation (employers and professors are preferred);
- Statement of Purpose (Optional, 1 page)
* Applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited U.S. institution –or– a non-U.S. degree equivalent to a four-year U.S. baccalaureate degree from a college or university of government recognized standing.
**A Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering or Mathematics and Computer Science (or technical related field) (minimum GPA of 3.0)
Students with a GPA between 2.8 and 3.0 may be admitted on a provisional basis. They will be evaluated for official graduate student status upon completion of pre-core courses, if necessary, and 12 semester hours of required electrical and computer engineering graduate coursework at Lawrence Tech. This evaluation will be conducted by the program director and the Graduate Admissions Committee. Students are notified of their status within two weeks of completion of the minimum required hours.
Students with a Bachelor of Science degree in a field other than electrical or computer engineering or mathematics and computer science who have a GPA of at least 3.0 may be admitted on a provisional basis. These students must satisfy all prerequisite requirements before they can be granted official graduate status. The program director and the Graduate Admissions Committee decide what the prerequisite requirements are on a case-by-case basis.
Requirements for Continuing Matriculation
In order to continue in the MSAI program, students must have a cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 at any time during their tenure will be placed on academic probation and must consult with the program director regarding continuation in the program. 190 GRADUATE CATALOG 2021–22 CONTENTS After admission to the MSAI program, students must meet with their academic advisor prior to class registration, each semester, to discuss and select plan of study. The final plan of study and selection of specialization must be submitted no later than by the time of completion of the lecture courses in the core curriculum.
Requirements for Completion of Degree
Candidates for the MSAI degree must complete 30 semester hours within the MSAI curriculum. In the semester prior to their anticipated graduation, candidates for the MSAI degree will complete the form Petition To Graduate. The program director will then review the petition and articulate remaining degree requirements. Artificial Intelligence Advisor/Director All students should have an advisor/director-approved Plan of Work. Contact George Pappas, Director of Artificial Intelligence, at 248.204.2559 or, to set up an appointment. Students are required to maintain an overall and program GPA of 3.0.
M.S. in Artificial Intelligence Program Outcomes (MSAIPOs)
Students will:
- Apply specialized tools or advanced technologies to make measurements on and interpret data, assessing intellectual curiosity.
- Perform exhaustive literature search on research topics; analyze, organize, and summarize gathered information based on research applicability.
- Analyze and create communication documents and presentations.
- Design a system with process or create new knowledge or technologies in a technical area of Artificial Intelligence.