The University permits tailgating in parking lots A and G before the kickoff during home football games.

Tailgating is defined as parking a motorized vehicle and consuming food and beverages, which may include alcoholic beverages, outside the sporting event area.

Campus Map

The safety of students and visitors is paramount to the University; therefore, these guidelines are established for tailgating:

  • Tailgating is allowed only in parking lots A and G, which will be marked by signs. These lots are adjacent to Ten Mile Road. Cost is $10 per vehicle (cash) on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Tailgating begins four hours before the start of any home football game and ends no later than the scheduled kickoff. Typically, tailgate lots open at 8 or 9 a.m.
  • Alcoholic beverages are limited to single-serve, non-glass containers. No beer kegs or other common source containers are permitted.
  • Serving alcohol to minors or consumption of alcohol by minors (those under 21 years of age) is a violation of state law and LTU’s Code of Conduct. Michigan law states that underage drinking is illegal everywhere—on public or private property, indoors or outside—including tailgate areas.
  • Individuals consuming alcohol may be asked to provide legal identification and proof of age to campus safety officers, student affairs staff or local law enforcement.
  • Carrying an open container of alcohol on public streets or sidewalks is illegal, regardless of age. When guests leave the designated tailgate area, they must leave alcoholic beverages in the designated tailgate area.
  • Playing games that involve consumption of alcohol or use alcohol-related paraphernalia is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to beer pong, flip cup, shotgunning, etc.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be taken into any athletic facility or sporting event area.
  • A flyer stating tailgating rules will be given to guests who enter the designated tailgating area.
  • Grilling is permitted. Follow these guidelines:
    • Propane containers must be secured to the grill or in a crate.
    • Charcoal must be fully extinguished and cold to the touch after use.
    • Place expired coals into an appropriate non-combustible container for disposal.
    • Fire pits and smokers are prohibited.
  • Dispose of trash in available receptacles.