Auto and Homeowners Insurance
Lawrence Tech offers a voluntary personal automobile and homeowners insurance discount program. The program is at the employee's expense with payment options; however, this program is not administered through payroll deduction.Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
University Bookstore
The University Bookstore is located in the Wayne H. Buell Building. Books, instruments, supplies, clothing, greeting cards, and a variety of other items may be purchased there. Employees of the university receive a 10% discount at the bookstore on all items except: computer software, electronics, food, magazines, rings and texts.
Employees may receive discounts on some bookstore purchases when they show their Lawrence Tech picture identification card. ID cards are issued at the One Stop Center located in the A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Summary Plan Description
Qualifying Beneficiaries
Qualifying Events
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Dental Insurance
About the Dental Plan
Lawrence Tech offers dental care coverage for the employee and his/her spouse and his/her eligible dependents. The basic dental plan offers preventive, basic, and major services. Orthodontia services are available for dependents to age 18. The plan includes co-payments and deductibles and other applicable costs above the annual benefit allowance. Dental insurance coverage for eligible employees becomes available on the first of the month following 30 days of full time employment.
The dental plan is administered through ADN Dental Company and offers a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) through ADN Dental Network, Michigan Dental Plan (MDP) or Dentemax network providers. When the employee uses a dentist from the network providers, their dental benefits are enhanced.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Documents Online
An EOB is a summary statement provided when ADN processes a claim for you. As part of ADN’s ongoing effort to minimize our impact on the environment, all EOBs will automatically be provided to you in electronic format via our member website.
In addition to the positive impact this change will have on the environment, it will also enhance the convenience of accessing and tracking your EOB. All EOB documents will be available by logging on ADN website at, 24/7, 365 days a year.
For instructions on how to access the member website and locate your EOB, link on the "ADN Dental Insurance Plan" documents.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit is the safest, most confidential way to get your money into your checking or savings account. No more worrying about lost, stolen or damaged checks, and there’s no need to make special trips to the bank or credit union to deposit your checks.
How to Sign Up
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides eligible employees assistance with everything from life's every day issues to life's more difficult problems. Information shared with an outside EAP counselor is kept completely confidential. The EAP counselors assist employees with both work-related and personal problems they or their family members may be experiencing.
Employees can receive assistance at any time of day or night to talk immediately with a professional counselor about issues such as: family relationships; marital difficulties; elder care and child care; financial and legal matters; drug and alcohol abuse; depression and loneliness; mental health problems; etc. For more serious concerns, the EAP counselor will make referrals to local qualified professionals or agencies that have been pre-screened. Follow-up calls are made to make sure the issue is addressed.
Contact Information
The Employee Assistance Plan/Work Life Program is available to employees covered under the life insurance plan. Members may access the EAP benefits with MyACIonline.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Flexible Spending Account Program
Employees may allocate before-tax dollars to cover anticipated expenses. Prior to the beginning of each plan year, each participant decides the amount of salary to be allocated to each type of plan (health care and/or dependent care). Throughout the year the employee will submit invoices for reimbursement for health-related expenses (including deductibles, copays, non-covered treatments, prescription glasses, doctor's prescribed over-the-counter medication, etc.) and/or for their child care expenses. **Any money left over in a FSA after all eligible claims have been paid may not be returned to the employee.
Using flexible compensation, an employee "reduces" his/her taxable income. As a result, Social Security, federal and state income taxes are reduced. The more an employee uses flexible compensation, the lower his/her tax base will be, and the more net spendable income the employee will have.
Contact the Office of Human Resources or visit the Health Equity | WageWorks web site to learn more about the benefits, risks, and limits associated with the flexible spending accounts.
Dependent Care Claim Form
Healthcare Pay Me Back Claim Form
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Life Events - Special Enrollment Period
When you enroll in benefits, your elections remain in effect to the end of the calendar year and you cannot make any changes until the next Open Enrollment period. However, if you experience a qualified family status change during the calendar year, a special enrollment period may allow you to make a benefit change that corresponds with the status change.
Employees are responsible for notifying the Office of Human Resources in writing within 30 days of most events. The employee must complete and return applicable benefit forms if the event has affected or will affect their coverage. Based on your elections, the applicable payroll deductions will be processed.
Life events listed below may not apply to every benefit plan:
- Legal martial status. Marriage, death of spouse, divorce, legal separation or annulment.
- Number of dependents. Birth adoption, placement for adoption or death of a dependent.
- Employment status. Commencement or termination employment by employee, spouse, or dependent.
- Work schedule. Switch between part-time and full-time work, and vice versa, commencement of or return from an unpaid leave of absence, or an increase or decrease in hours of employment by employee, spouse or dependent.
- Dependent status. Either satisfying or ceasing to satisfy the age or other requirements to qualify as a covered dependent under the plan.
- Resident or work site. Change in employee, spouse, or dependent resident that result in loss of coverage.
- Domestic relations order. A court order resulting from divorce, legal separation, annulment, or change in legal custody that require medical coverage for the employee's child under the employee's medical plan, or can end contributions for the child if the order requests the employee's former spouse to provide the coverage.
- Medicaid or Medicare. The employee, spouse or dependent gains or loss Medicaid/CHIP or Medicare eligibility.
Special Enrollment under HIPAA
If you decline coverage for yourself and/or your dependents (including your spouse) because you are covered under another health plan, you may, in the future, be able to enroll yourself and/or your dependents in the plan if you experience an involuntary loss of that coverage (e.g., spouse loses his/her job, divorce) or if the employer stops contributing towards the coverage. However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after your other coverage ends or after the employer stops contributing towards the other coverage.
In addition, if you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and/or your dependent(s). However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after the marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption.
If you or a dependent is covered under a Medicaid or CHIP plan and coverage is terminated as a result of the loss of eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP coverage, you may be able to enroll yourself and/or your dependent(s). However, you must request enrollment within 60 days after the date eligibility is lost.
If you or a dependent becomes eligible for premium assistance under an applicable State Medicaid or CHIP plan to purchase coverage under the group health plan, you may be able to enroll yourself and/or your dependent(s). However, you must request enrollment within 60 days after you or your dependent is determined to be eligible for State premium assistance. Please note that premium assistance is not available in all states.
For more information about CHIP, call 1.888.988.6300 or link to Michigan Department of Community Health.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Life Insurance
LTU covers full time employees with life insurance coverage. The coverage begins on the first of the month following 30 days of full-time employment. The term life insurance equals 100% of one years salary rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (to a maximum benefit of $150,000). The pre-age 70 amounts reduce to 50% at age 70 to a maximum benefit of no more than $50,000. The employer pays the entire cost of this coverage.
Employees may purchase additional supplemental life insurance at one times up to four their annual salary in term life insurance, maximum $600,000.
Dependent life insurance is also available for purchase. Two plans options are available to cover the employee's spouse and dependent children. The employee pays the full cost of this insurance. Contact the Office of Human Resources for more information.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Long Term Disability Insurance
Long-Term Disability (LTD) income benefits are provided to all full time employees members after the completion of one (1) year of service. This insurance pays 60% of the employee's salary, to a maximum of $7,500/month, in the event that the employee is found to be disabled and unable to work. This plan also provides the disabled employee with continued contributions of a percentage of the paid monthly benefit into his/her retirement fund. If the disability is severe the percentage of coverage may be increased to 80% based on established criteria.
This benefit begins on the ninety-first day of illness and continues to end of disability or to age 65. The University pays the full cost of this coverage.
For information on how to apply for LTD income benefits, contact the Office of Human Resources.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Medical Insurance
LTU offers medical insurance plan options for eligible employees and his/her spouse and his/her eligible dependents. As your employer, the University picks up a large percentage of the overall cost of insurance programs offered. Additional cost to the employee may include co-payments, deductible and co-insurance. Medical insurance coverage for eligible employees becomes available on the first of the month following thirty (30) days of full time employment.
To find a Health Alliance Plan provider, login at To change your PCP with HAP, register and login as a member at
Need to see a specialist? No problem. With HAP, specialty office visits don't require referrals from your primary care physician. But in some cases, the specialist you see may require a referral from your PCP. Many specialists are booked out months in advance, and may only accept patients whose PCP believes they need specialty care. Females using the HMO plan may select a PCP as well as an OB/GYN and are not required to obtain referrals for routine OB/GYN services. Regular services are allowed twice per year. If you seek services from a physician or hospital outside of the network, no benefits will be payable (unless specified as an emergency).
For information regarding Referrals and Authorization, login to the HAP web site located at
The AHL PPO Plan is provided through a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), where a network of preselected hospitals and doctors is available for your use. This is a national plan and is available to all U.S. residents. If you use the network, you will receive the highest level of benefits offered by the plan. While the network is available, you are not required to use it. You always have the complete freedom to select any provider whenever you need care. However, the out of network benefits are lower and your out of pocket costs are higher. If you use a non participating provider, you may also be billed the difference between the approved amount and the provider’s charge.
To find a AHL PPO provider online, visit
Mail Order Prescription Drug Program
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Legal Shield (Legal Services and IDShield)
Legal Services
How to Enroll
Part-Time Adjunct Faculty and Staff Benefits
Questions: Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Recreational Facility
Retirement investing plans
- Employee Pre-Tax Match/Employer Match: You contribute the required Employee Pre-Tax Match to receive the University Employer Match contribution that is in place.
- Employee Pre-Tax (Non-Matching): Allows retirement contributions over the required Match amount or if you are not eligible for the Match contributions.

When it comes to planning for retirement, it's important you take into account plan fees when making investment decisions — just as you would consider how investment performance, your contribution amount, and asset allocation strategy all impact your retirement savings. Participants will receive the Plan and Investment Notice annually that include detailed information about fees. You may request a paper copy of the fee disclosure free of charge by emailing
The Investment Manager Review Tables provide information of Lawrence Technological University's investment options within its 403(b) Retirement Plan(s).
- Phone: Toll free: 800.842.2776
- Website: TIAA-CREF.
Schedule a personal appointment by phone:
Detroit Office: 800.842.2044
Local: 248.351.9040
For counseling by phone:
Call: 800.842.2776
Locate a seminar by Internet:
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Short term disability income benefits
After the completion of one year of service, the University provides short-term disability (STD) income protection benefits during a medical leave of absence to eligible full-time employees. The STD income protection is a benefit that provides partial or full pay (depending on employee classification) for employees who are unable to work due to his or her own non-work related illness, injury, or disability.
- Faculty or Academic Administrative employees may receive short-term disability income benefits that compensates at 100% of salary during the contract term and is available if needed, until long-term disability takes effect.
- Staff or Non-Academic Administrative employees may receive short-term disability income benefits that compensates at 60% of your basic earnings for the period of disability after your leave time has been applied. Employees are required to use any available sick days until they are exhausted. After sick time is exhausted, employees may elect to use their vacation and/or personal days, so as to be paid for all or a portion of the leave before short-term disability income benefits may apply.
There is a waiting period of seven (7) calendar days before STD income benefits apply. The STD coverage would be continued to the end of the disability or to a maximum period of 90 calendar days (65 work days). If the employee is disable past 90 days, he/she may be covered under the long-term disability plan if the nature of the illness meets the disability qualifications definition.
Contact the Office of Human Resources for more information on how to apply for STD income benefits.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Vision insurance
Lawrence Tech offers a vision insurance program through EyeMed Vision Care Plan. Members may select from a network of optical providers to receive lower out-of-pocket costs. Members may choose not to use a network provider, however, will incur more out-of-pocket costs.
This plan offers the employee, spouse, and eligible dependents an eye exam, lenses and frames once every 12 months. Download EyeMed frequently asked questions for more information about the plan.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Online
An EOB is a summary statement provided when EyeMed processes a claim for you. As part of EyeMed’s ongoing effort to minimize our impact on the environment, all EOBs will automatically be provided to you in electronic format via our member website.
In addition to the positive impact this change will have on the environment, it will also enhance the convenience of accessing and tracking your EOB. All EOB documents will be available by logging into, 24/7, 365 days a year.
For instructions on how to access the member website and locate your EOB, link on the "EyeMed Vision Insurance Plan" documents. If you do not have access to a computer or prefer paper EOB, you may contact EyeMed Customer Care Center at 1.866.969.3633. A representative will provide an EOB and change your profile for you to receive EOB in the future.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Waiver of insurance coverage
If you have medical, vision and dental insurance provided from elsewhere, you may elect to waive Lawrence Tech's coverage. In lieu of this coverage, you will be paid opt-out cash benefits. There are two plan options to opt-out of coverage as follows:
Plan 1 = Medical opt-out
Plan 2 = Medical, dental and vision opt-out
If you choose Plan 1, you opt out of medical insurance coverage only, however you may enroll in the dental and/or vision plans. If you choose Plan 2, you opt out of medical, dental and vision coverage. Both plan options are taxable benefits and subject to FICA, Federal, state and city taxes. The amount deducted for taxes depends on individual circumstances. Calculations will not be provided prior to actual payment.
Employees who terminate employment during the year will forfeit any remaining waiver fee.
Special Enrollment Period
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires Lawrence Technological University to inform you of your right to Special Enrollment under any of the medical insurance plans offered by the University when you or your eligible dependents (spouse/children) decline coverage during the initial enrollment period.
- If you are declining enrollment for yourself, or your dependents (spouse/children) because of coverage under another plan, you may be able to enroll yourself or your dependents in the University plan in the future, provided you request enrollment within thirty (30) days after your other coverage ends.
- If you are declining enrollment for yourself, or your dependents (spouse/children) because of coverage under Medicare or Medicaid, you may be able to enroll yourself or your dependents in the University plan in the future, provided you request enrollment within sixty (60) days after your other coverage ends.
In order to qualify for this special enrollment period, you must certify other coverage was the reason for declining/waiving enrollment in coverage provided through LTU. You will need to complete and return the benefits election/enrollment forms to Human Resources within the deadlines indicated.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Wellness at Work
Lawrence Tech is a strong advocate for preventive health care. Choosing a healthy lifestyle is not only smart, it's economical.
The university has a recreational facility know as the Don Ridler Field House. The facilities available include: gymnasium, weight rooms, showers, and saunas. This facility is available to all students and employees of the University. For more information about the programs, stop by the Field House front desk, call 248.204.3862 or email
Healthy Tools
The university's medical insurance providers, Health Alliance Plan and Alliance Health and Life offer its members on-line health assessment tools designed to help achieve health goals. The health assessment tools are available for you to prioritize your health changes based on your risk and readiness to make a change.
Wellness Workshops
Throughout the year we offer work site wellness workshop programs. The programs are free and available for all full and part time employees to attend. Learn to be inspired by experts in health and wellness.
Wellness Resources
Follow the links below to get additional health-related information.
Health Information Resources |
Email your comments to
Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy
Lawrence Tech adheres and conforms to all applicable federal, state and local civil rights regulations, statutes and ordinances. No person, student, faculty or staff member will knowingly be discriminated against relative to the above statutes. Lawrence Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Notice of Disability Services
In compliance with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), those applicants requiring reasonable accommodation to the application and/or interview process should notify the Office of Human Resources for assistance.
Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to or call 248.204.2150 for assistance.
Leaves of absence
Lawrence Tech provides a variety of leave of absences. The type of leave that employees are eligible for is dependent upon a variety of factors, including the employee's employment category and job classification. The types of leaves described in the Employee Handbook for Administrators, Faculty and Staff may apply to all eligible employees. Other types of leaves may be available to employees in specific employee classifications and are described in either the Faculty Handbook or Employee Handbook Addendum Administrators and Staff Only. The types of leaves include:
Leaves under Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Family Leave
- Medical Leave
- Military Family Leave
Leaves Applicable to Faculty Only
Leaves under Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Lawrence Tech complies with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). An eligible employee may request up to 12 work weeks of unpaid job-and benefit-protected leave of absence during a 12-month period for certain family and medical reasons. An eligible employee may request up to 26 weeks for a service member caregiver leave.
Unpaid leave must be granted for any of the following reasons:
- To care for your child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;
- To care for your spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition;
- For a serious health condition that makes you unable to perform your job;
- In situations of qualifying exigency to be with an employee’s spouse, parent or child if said person is an active service member or has an impending call to active duty in support of a contingency operation;
- For the care of an injured service member if the service member is the employee’s spouse, child, parent, or “next of kin”. The service member caregiver FMLA leave can be elected to be taken for up to 26 weeks in a 12-month period.
The Employee Guide to the FMLA answer common FMLA questions and clarify who can take FMLA leave and what protections the FMLA provides.
Lawrence Tech provides other types of leaves for its employees. Additional provisions regarding the leaves are contained in the Employee Handbook Addendum for Administrators and Staff Only.
Bereavement Leave
Employees who wish to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member, in order to attend to necessary arrangements and the funeral, should notify their supervisor immediately. Up to three working days of paid bereavement leave will be provided to regular full-time and introductory full-time employees.
Definition of Immediate Family
Lawrence Tech defines "immediate family" as the employee's spouse, parent, child, sibling; the employee's spouse's parent, child, or sibling; the employee's child's spouse; grandparents or grandchildren.
Jury Duty
Lawrence Tech encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by serving jury duty when required.
Military Leave
A military leave of absence will be granted to employees, except those occupying temporary positions, to attend scheduled drills or training or if called to active duty with the U.S. armed services.
Personal Leave (Staff and Non-Academic Administrative Employees Only)
Lawrence Tech provides leaves of absence without pay to eligible regular full-time Staff and Administrative employees who wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill personal obligations.
Time off to Vote
Lawrence Tech encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by participating in elections. Generally, employees are able to find time to vote either before or after their regular work schedule. If employees are unable to vote in an election during their nonworking hours, the employee may request in writing up to one hour of paid time off to vote.
Witness Duty
Lawrence Tech encourages employees to appear in court for witness duty when subpoenaed to do so. If employees have been subpoenaed to testify as a witness, they will receive paid time off for the entire period of witness duty minus any compensation received from the court or the litigants.
Leaves of Absence Applicable to Faculty Only
Faculty may be granted a leave of absence for professional purposes or for personal reasons. Additional details regarding the leave provisions are contained in the Faculty Handbook.
Sabbatical Leaves
The University may grant a sabbatical leave with pay and benefits to qualified faculty members, with six or more years of continued University service in a tenured or tenure-track position. Sabbatical leaves may be granted for the purpose of professional development, government or community service, research, skill training, or academic improvement.
Leaves of Absence Without Pay
Faculty may receive unpaid leaves of absence from their normal academic responsibilities for personal or professional reasons.
Benefits During Leaves
During FMLA leave, the employee's health coverage and most other benefits are maintained as if the employee had continued to work. During other leave types, the employee's health coverage and other benefits may or may not continue. In the event of a loss of coverage, the employee's health coverage may be continued through COBRA. For additional information, access:
Benefits During Leaves
Pay During Leaves
Apply for Leave of Absence
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy
Lawrence Tech adheres and conforms to all applicable federal, state and local civil rights regulations, statutes and ordinances. No person, student, faculty or staff member will knowingly be discriminated against relative to the above statutes. Lawrence Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Notice of Disability Services
In compliance with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), those applicants requiring reasonable accommodation to the application and/or interview process should notify the Office of Human Resources for assistance.
Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to or call 248.204.2150 for assistance.
Benefits during leaves
FMLA Leave and Benefits
Lawrence Tech complies with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). An eligible employee may request up to 12 work weeks of unpaid job- and benefit-protected leave of absence during a 12-month period for certain family and medical reasons. An eligible employees may request up to 26 weeks for a military family leave - ill or injured service member caregiver leave.
During the FMLA leave, an eligible employee is entitled to continued group health plan coverage as if the employee had continued to work. If the necessity for leave exceeds the 12 weeks, the employee may continue health insurance by paying the full cost through COBRA benefits. Upon return to work in a full-time eligible position, coverage will automatically be reinstated, with the University paying the employer portion of the coverage.
At the conclusion of the FMLA leave, subject to some exceptions, an employee generally has a right to return to the same or to an equivalent position. NOTE: FMLA leave will run concurrently with any paid leave available to the employee.
Other (Non-FMLA) Leave and Benefits
For all leaves other than FMLA, where applicable, the employee's health coverage and other benefits may or may not continue. In the event of a lost of coverage, the employee's health coverage may be continued under the provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budgeted Reconciliation Act COBRA. Arrangements may be made to continue payments for other optional coverage such as optional life insurance at the time of the unpaid leave.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Pay during leaves
A leave of absence may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of paid and unpaid, depending on the circumstances and as specified by University policy.
FMLA Leave and Pay
FMLA leaves are unpaid, however full-time benefit-eligible employee may be eligible to receive compensation during an approved leave…
- If the employee is disabled; he or she may be eligible for the following disability income benefits during a medical leave:
- If the employee is a Staff or Non-Academic Administrator; he or she may be eligible to use his or her accumulated leave time during a leave.
To apply for short-term disability income benefits, employees must complete the Short-Term Disability Claim Form # 3015.
Application of Accumulated Paid Leave Time During Leave (Staff and Non-Academic Administrative Employees Only)
Staff and Non-Academic Administrative employees may or may not be required to exhaust available leave time during an approved leave of absence, which depends on the type of leave as specified below:
- Medical Leave: Employees are required to exhaust any available sick leave time and may elect to use any vacation or personal time during a medical leave before short-term disability income benefits are applied.
- Family Leave: Employee are required to exhaust any available sick leave time and may elect to use any vacation or personal time for absence due to illness or injury of an eligible family member who resides in the employee's household.
- Military Family Leave: Employee are required to exhaust any available sick leave time and may elect to use any vacation or personal time for absence due to illness or injury of an eligible family member.
- Personal Leave: With the supervisor's approval, employees may use any available sick leave, vacation or personal leave time as part of the approved period of leave.
This decision to use vacation or personal time must be made before any leave begins.
An employee on leave will not receive leave allocations. However, the leave time allocation will be prorated and applied upon return from an unpaid leave.
To request to use any accumulated leave time, Staff and Non-Academic Administrative employees must complete the Staff/Non-Academic Administrative Leave Time Usage Request Form # 3111.
Non-FMLA Leave and Pay
Non-FMLA leave may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of paid and unpaid, depending on the circumstances and as specified by University policy. Contact the Office of Human Resources for more information.
Leaves of Absence Applicable to Faculty Only and Pay
Sabbatical Leave
The faculty member will receive full salary for a one-semester sabbatical and one-half of the annual salary for a two-semester sabbatical, with full continuation of all employee benefits.
Leaves of Absence Without Pay
The faculty member will not receive pay during leave of absence without pay.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Apply for leave of absence
Eligible employees may apply for a leave of absence in accordance with the University policy and type of leave.
FMLA Leave of Absence
Eligible employees may request a FMLA Leave of Absence for medical, family or military family reasons. To request an FMLA leave, contact our FMLA Administrator FMLASource®. FMLASource® is an easy and convenient way to request, track and manage family and medical leave. You can access your FMLA information:
Online |
By Phone |
24 hours a day 7 days per week |
1.877.462.3652 Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–8 p.m. ET |
Email Questions |
To apply for FMLA leave, follow these steps:
- Follow the normal reporting procedures by notifying your Supervisor (or designed representative) anytime you are absence from work (including FMLA leave absence)
- To submit your leave request, contact FMLASource:
- Call FMLASource at 1.877.462.FMLA (1.877.462.3652), or
- Log onto (you will need your Access code = your Banner ID) and follow the instructions
When you login at, you can:
- Request a FMLA leave
- Download medical certification and related forms
- Check the status of a FMLA leave
- Keep track of FMLA leave
- Learn about federal FMLA regulations
For your reference, link to the following information:
- Employee Handbook
- Family and Medical Leave Act:
- Your Rights and Responsibilities under the FMLA
- DOL Employee Guide to the FMLA
- FMLASourceSM Poster
- FMLASourceSM IVR Guide (Telephone Access Instructions)
For more information about your FMLA rights and responsibilities, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 248.204.2150 or email
Other [Non-FMLA] Leave of Absence
Eligible employees may wish to take time off for (Non-FMLA) reasons that includes:
- Bereavement
- Jury Duty
- Military
- Personal
- Time off to Vote
- Witness Duty
- Medical Leave not covered under FMLA
To apply for Other [non-FMLA leave] Leave of Absence, follow these steps:
- Follow the normal reporting procedures by notifying your Supervisor (or designed representative) anytime you are absence from work
- To submit your leave request
- For military, personal or medical leave not covered under FMLA, complete the Request for Non-FMLA Leave of Absence Form #3112
- For a medical leave not covered under FMLA, also submit the Non-FMLA Medical Certification Form #3110.
- For information regarding leave time related to bereavement, jury duty, time off to vote or witness duty, contact the Office of Human Resources at
Leaves of Absence Applicable to Faculty Only
Faculty may be granted a leave of absence for professional purposes or for personal reasons that includes:
- Sabbatical Leave
- Leaves of Absence Without Pay
For information on how to apply for a Sabbatical Leave or Leaves of Absence Without Pay, contact the Department Chairperson and Office of the Dean.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.
Benefits FAQ
What is the effective date for medical benefits?To whom do I return the completed benefit forms?
I am a part-time employee. What benefits am I eligible for?
When am I eligible for paid time-off?
When do I become eligible for undergraduate tuition waiver benefits?
How many undergraduate credits are waived per calendar year?
When do I become eligible to contribute to the retirement fund - TIAA-CREF?
What is the maximum annual amount that I can contribute towards TIAA-CREF?
What forms do I need to complete to begin the TIAA-CREF reduction?
Whom do I notify when my address changes?
How do I obtain username/email account, employee ID and telephone authorization code?
Q. What is the effective date for medical benefits?
A. Medical benefits are effective the first day of the month after 30 days of employment.
Q. To whom do I return the completed benefit forms?
A. Completed benefit forms should be returned to the Office of Human Resources before the coverage effective date.
Q. I am a part-time employee. What benefits am I eligible for?
A. Part-time employees may be eligible to contribute to the retirement plan funded through TIAA, education tuition waivers and other benefits (see Employee Handbook for details).
Q. When am I eligible for paid time-off?
A. Full-time non-academic employees are allocated annual vacation, sick and personal time based on the University's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). The first year's allocation will be prorated based on service time. Thereafter, the annual allocation is based on years of service and/or employee category (see Employee Handbook for details). The staff employee is not allowed to use vacation days or personal days until successful completion of their three month introductory probation. All vacation and personal time allocations must be used by the end of the fiscal year (June 30).
Q. When do I become eligible for undergraduate tuition waiver benefits?
A. Full-time employees are eligible for tuition waiver the first term (semester or summer session) after date of hire. Part-time employees are eligible for tuition waiver the first term (semester or summer session) after five (5) years from date of hire.
Q. How many undergraduate credits are waived per calendar year?
A. A maximum of fifteen (15) credits per calendar year, not to exceed two regular courses in any one semester or term.
Q. When do I become eligible to contribute to the retirement fund – TIAA?
A. There are two types of eligibility: 1) Employee Pre-Tax (non-matching) – employees are immediately eligible unless they are primarily a student 2) Employer Match/Employee Pre-Tax Match – employees become eligible after meeting the age and service requirements, unless they fall into an excluded ineligible category (see Summary Plan Description for details). The one year waiting period is waived for the Match part of the plan if the eligible employee is at least age 25 and has ownership of an existing retirement account sponsored by a prior employer issued in accordance with code sections 403(b) or 401(k). The retirement plan is voluntary and immediately vested.
Q. What is the maximum annual amount that I can contribute towards TIAA?
A. For most people, the maximum annual contribution allowed in the retirement plan for 2020 is $19,500 for those under age 50 and $26,000 for those age 50 and older. Visit the IRS website for plan limit information updates.
Q. What forms do I need to complete to begin the TIAA reduction?
A. The forms that require completion are the TIAA enrollment application form and the salary reduction agreement form. Contact Human Resources for enrollment instructions.
Q. Whom do I notify when my address changes?
A. All address changes must be communicated to the Office of Human Resources.
Q. How do I obtain username/email account, employee ID and telephone authorization code?
A. Once the employee's Banner ID is generated, the department requests the employee's username/email account from the Office of Human Resources. Once the username/email account is created, the employee 1) reports to the Help Desk for final activation and user password, 2) may obtain the employee ID at the Student Service Center - Engineering Building E109. The Department must request the employee's long distance authorization code from the Office of Human Resources.
Questions? Email
Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no individual has a vested right to any of the benefits provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual the right to continued benefits beyond the time the university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit. Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university's right to modify, amend or terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information in this site. However, if any provision on the benefits plans is unclear or ambiguous, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to interpret the plan and resolve the problem. If any inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern. Lawrence Tech in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or terminate the benefits provided with respect to any individual receiving benefits, including active employees, retirees, and their dependents.