LTU celebrates its graduates, faculty, families on eve of Commencement
May 6, 2022

Over 100 engineering graduates from LTU received their Order of the Engineer rings Friday night in a campus ceremony.
LTU photo / Matt Roush
SOUTHFIELD—Special ceremonies occurred across the campus of Lawrence Technological University Friday evening, May 6, on the eve of the University’s Commencement exercises.
More than 100 bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates were inducted into the Order of the Engineer, an association for graduate and professional engineers in the United States that emphasizes pride and responsibility in the engineering profession.
Members take a pledge noting that “my skill carries with it the obligation to serve humanity by making the best use of the Earth’s precious wealth,” and that they will “participate in none but honest enterprises.” They also promise that their “skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good.”
As a sign of the order, members wear a stainless steel ring on the pinky finger of their working hand.
LTU President Tarek Sobh received his ring at the ceremony, as did Henry Horldt, a 1955 LTU graduate and longtime benefactor of the University, and keynote speaker Andrew Clemence, LTU College of Engineering advisory board member and senior vice president of green technology at the auto supplier DENSO.
Other ceremonies celebrating Commencement were held across campus, including a special award from the College of Business and Information Technology to Professor Patricia Castelli, a nationally recognized instructor and researcher in leadership who has been on the LTU faculty since 1995.
LTU grads and their families also enjoyed a President’s Reception in the LTU Café Friday evening.
Saturday, LTU will hold two Commencement Exercises, at 10 a.m. for the College of Engineering and at 1 p.m. for the College of Architecture and Design, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Business and Information Technology.
At 5 p.m., LTU’s women’s lacrosse team will play for the NAIA national championship. LTU is hosting the eight-team national NAIA tournament this year.
Professor Patricia Castelli (seated, second from left) was recognized for excellence in her teaching and scholarship Friday from her colleagues in the LTU College of Business and Information Technology.
LTU photo / Matt Roush.