Kaltura Lecture Capture
Record videos (computer screen, voice, webcam) on your computer and then share (upload) these recordings in your Canvas course using Kaltura Capture. Integrated in Canvas, Kaltura is available for download, install, and access within your Canvas course.


Log into Canvas. Choose your course, you will see two additional course navigation buttons My Media and Media Gallery

My Media: This is your personal folder, recording storage folder, and the repository for your recordings. It is available from any of your Canvas courses.

Media Gallery: Course specific. Publishing a recording in the course makes the recording available to course participants.

  • Select My Media from the navigation bar
  • Click Add New (top right hand of page) to expand.
  • Select Kaltura Capture. On next screen under "Using Kaltura Capture for the first time?", select either Download for Windows or Download for Mac.
  • Double-click or select the download file to install. Once installed, either refresh the Canvas screen, or click My Media again. You are now ready to create new Kaltura recordings


Your class might be three hours long, but it's different when you're watching a recording. Break up your lecture into smaller, 10-15 minutes videos. It results in a smaller file for faster uploading/downloading. If you make a mistake, you will have less footage to edit and it is just better for learning.

For more tips on creating video lectures please see the PDF below.
Tips for Lecture Capture Videos


Select My Media from course navigation

Click on Add New, Kaltura Capture, select Open Kaltura Capture

The Kaltura Desktop recorder opens. Verify settings for Screen (capture screen display, Camera (shows your webcam), and Audio (microphone).
Don't want camera, click to toggle off, click again to toggle on.


Click the red Record button. Click Stop recording when done.

You can then preview recording and select the option to Delete record and start over; Save & Upload (saves to Canvas); or Save (locally only)

Recording a PowerPoint presentation?

  • Open presentation in Slide Show view. Alt+Tab to Kaltura recorder, verify that preview screen shows presentation, begin recording


Review, Save and Upload recording to Canvas My Media

The Kaltura Review screen opens when the recording is stopped. On this screen, you will:

  • Type in an actual title of the video (do not just accept the generic title!)
  • Type in a description of the video!
  • Add ‘tags’ (metadata) that allow others to locate and find much easier! Tags  examples may be: course, instructor name, chapter, subject, etc.
  • Preview the video before you Save & Upload or Save!

When you Save & Upload, the recording uploads to your My Media folder in Canvas. Publishing the video to a course, is quite simple.


Publish to Canvas

Recordings are not available to users until you add the video to Media Gallery. 

Log into Canvas, select Media Gallery. Select +Media at top right. A listing of your recordings in My Media displays. Place a check in the box to the left of the recording(s) you want to add to the course. Scroll up and select Publish. (note, this may not show immediately – remember, depending on size may take a bit)


The Kaltura Video Editor

The Kaltura Editor provides a number of ‘tools’ that you can use within your video

  • The Quiz tab to create and edit interactive video quizzes
  • The Editor tab to trim or clip media, and also to chop and splice media
  • The Hotspots tab to create add time-based labels or comments, with or without hyperlinks, displayed at the top of the video while playing on your entry
  • The Help tab contains tips and accessibility information
  • The Return tab that cancels and returns you to My Media

Use the Editor option to remove the beginning or end from a video clip and remove sections in the middle of a video


Trimming beginning and the end of a video

  • Want to cut (remove) the beginning of the video and remove the end of the video?
  • Go to My Media, select the ‘pencil’ (edit icon) to the right of the video you want to edit
  • Select Launch Editor from the editor screen

Timeline editing

  • Move the timeline trim tab (yellow tab) to the point where you want the video to start
  • Click the Set In, the [ bracket, the beginning is deleted
  • Move the timeline trim tab to the point where you want the video to end
  • Click the Set Out, the ] bracket - the end is removed

You have just trimmed the beginning/end

Cut out a segment of video

  • Move the timeline trim tab (yellow tab) to the point where you want to start the cut
  • Click on the ‘scissors’ to Split
  • Move the timeline trim tab (yellow tab) to the point where you want to end the cut
  • Click on the ‘scissors’ again to Split
  • Now just click the ‘trash can’ to delete the segment

Save a Copy

  • Ensure to always ‘Err on the side of Caution’ and save a copy of the video just in case!
  • Select “Save a Copy” from the top right of the Editor screen
  • Type in a title (can keep the same title and just add ‘revised’ if desired)
  • Click Create. Now you have the edited video and you still have the original. You are finished!

Ever find when watching a video or recording that you missed what was being said? Captioning helps not only the hearing impaired or those for whom English is not the first language but all of us.

Recording class lectures to explain concepts, review material, and allow students to replay recordings are a great way to cement learning, and captioning adds an additional benefit.

Does it require effort? Yes. Depending on the length of the recording, the translation process will take time.

Is it worth it? Yes. It is a law. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that “auxiliary aids” be available to anyone with a disability. Online videos, captions, and audio descriptions are examples of auxiliary aids that can help make videos accessible.

Kaltura recordings can be edited within Canvas to add captioning. The below will step you through adding captions to a Kaltura video within Canvas.

Part I

Log into Canvas and a Canvas course. Select My Media, and select the recording.

Click on video title

From Actions, select Captions & Enrich. Scroll down, and select Submit.

Captions Tab

Processing starts, and depending on the length of the recording, this is going to take time! Kaltura approximates 30 minutes of processing time for every 3 minutes of video.

Part II

Once the Kaltura captioning process is complete, still need to edit the captioning text to ensure the accuracy of the transcriptions.

Access the video from My Media. From Actions, select Captions & Enrich.

Click video title again

Under Existing Requests, the status shows Completed. Select Edit (‘pencil’) which takes you to the edit captions screen. (to see processing time, click the > to the right)

Edit Captions

On the Closed Caption Editor page, the transcription text is on the left and a preview of the video, with captions, is on the right. Click in the text box, highlight the text (or add) to be corrected, and click outside. The changes are immediately visible on the preview video. When done, make sure to click Save. If the video is embedded in the course, it may take a bit, but changes will be reflected in the embedded video.

Closed Captions Editor

Remember, it will take time, but it is worth it!

Embedding Kaltura Recordings/Videos within Canvas

Kaltura recordings can be embedded directly within Canvas from the Rich Content Editor (e.g., in Edit mode the RCE is available in Announcements, Discussions, Assignments/Quizzes, and Pages.

The use ofPages allows for a video “trailer” of your Kaltura recording and students watch the videos right within the page, no worries that students cannot access video, no problems with them finding the right video.

NOTE: The below instructions are focused on Modules and Pages but can be applied to all areas the RCE is available.

Create Page within a Module

  • Go to Modules
  • Either create a new Module (+Module) or Add Item (+) to an existing Module.
  • Select Page and then select New Page

Title your page and click Add Item

Edit the Newly Created Page

  • Select the item just created by clicking the name. On the next screen select Edit
  • Choose either Tools then Apps or the Plug Icon for Apps.


    If you have not previously chosen any apps, you will see the below window after clicking Apps. Click Embed Kaltura Media.


  • On Let’s get started screen, select “Add from Library”
  • Select < / >Embed to the right of the desired video

Publish to Canvas

Once you Save and Publish, students will be able to go to the respective Module and click on the page. When opened, the video will be embedded within Canvas where they can start and play the video


For video tutorials visit Kaltura Learning for Canvas