Set up within Canvas. Kaltura's video quiz feature is integrated into Canvas. Scores students earn on their video quizzes will be pushed automatically to the course Gradebook of any course in which you connect the video quiz in an assignment.

The Video Quiz must be connected through the External Tool Submission option in Assignments for it to align with the Gradebook. If the video quiz is embedded or linked within the text box it will be NOT be aligned in the Gradebook.

Kaltura video quizzes are not designed to work well with long videos. If your video content would result in a longer video, it is recommended that the video be split into and delivered in smaller, shorter, separate videos.

Students who pause a video quiz and come back to it after more than an hour. The video quiz results will not be passed to the Canvas gradebook because Kaltura saves the submission cookie only for 1 hour.

Students who enter the video quiz assignment in Canvas before the "Available Until" date and time but finish it after the assignment has closed.


  • Created and uploaded media to Canvas My Media
  • Have logged into the course where the media is to be added
  • Created Video Quiz

Go to Assignments, add new +Assignment.


  • You must give the assignment a name
  • Type in instructions so students know what to expect!
  • Add Points
  • Submission Type: EXTERNAL TOOL
  • Click Find


Click Kaltura Video Quiz


Locate the video quiz for the assignment and click </> Embed


Click Select


Save and Publish