Undergraduate Advising Program

Be cleared for registration first, then clear up financial aid issues later.

Advising assignments for Summer and Fall 2023 will be distributed by MARCH 13, 2023. All students must be cleared by their advisor by APRIL 7, 2023.

  • All students will have a "HOLD" placed on their registration until they have been CLEARED by their faculty advisor.
  • Watch your LTU email to communicate with your advisor AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for ADVISING.


How Do I Contact My Advisor?

ESL students must be advised by their ESL advisor first and then their curriculum advisor second. Please check your Banner Web account under the Advising Student Profile link for your assigned advisor.

Advisor Name Room # Phone # Email
Cole, Matthew M316 248.204.3096 mcole@ltu.edu
Janes, Stefanie M331 248.204.3089 sjanes@ltu.edu
Jena, Minakhi M331 248.204.3071 mjena@ltu.edu
Kohnke, Anne M320 248.204.3085 akohnke@ltu.edu
Krakowiak, Claire M331 248.204.3056 ckrakowia@ltu.edu
Raghavan, Srikant M315 248.204.3072 sraghavan@ltu.edu
Stavros, Jackie M314 248.204.3063 jstavros@ltu.edu
Tsebro, Pavlo M314B 248.204.3073 ptsebro@ltu.edu
Verma, Swati M12A 248.204.3082 sverma@ltu.edu
Zhang, Yu (Tony) M319 248.204.3065 yzhang4@ltu.edu
Zhu, John M325 248.204.3058 jzhu@ltu.edu
Donna Kress (Admin. Asst.) dkress@ltu.edu