Taking Personal Responsibility 

It is important to remember that you play a vital role in maintaining your safety while abroad. Without a doubt, you should exercise the same, if not more, personal safety precautions outside the United States as you would at home.
Code of Conduct

All students are subject to the Code of Conduct of the host institution AND, as Lawrence Tech students, remain subject to the Lawrence Tech Code of Conduct. Students who violate Lawrence Tech's Code of Conduct while studying abroad may be subject to sanctions for their actions. Students who violate either the host institution's code or Lawrence Tech's code (or both) may be dismissed from the program by a representative of the foreign program/institution or Lawrence Tech, and sent home at their own expense.
Personal Safety Tips

Familiarize yourself with your surroundings and the local transportation to and from your residence. Cities in other countries, just like U.S. cities, have both safe and unsafe areas and neighborhoods. Use common sense and do not take risks. Whenever and wherever possible, travel in groups of two or three. Always inform someone (resident director, roommate, host family or other responsible person) of your travel plans and return date.

Carefully read the U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheets to learn about the safety issues of the country in which you will study. You may access the U. S. State Department's web site to check the advisories for other countries you intend to visit. You should check this site regularly to see if new announcements or warnings have been issued. You cannot be too informed or too careful.

In recent years, there have been Worldwide Caution announcements regularly issued to Americans abroad by the U.S. State Department. These cautions warn Americans to be vigilant while traveling abroad and recommend that you:

  • Don't wear items of clothing that identify you as an American (i.e. baseball caps, college T-shirts/sweatshirts, etc.).
  • Avoid large crowds and other situations in which anti-American sentiments may be expressed.
  • Don't identify yourself as an American; try to blend with the local people. Try to avoid traveling with large groups of Americans.
  • Avoid American facilities as much as possible (i.e. Hard Rock Café, Planet Hollywood, American friendship clubs or popular hangouts for Americans).