Dr. Donald Carpenter

Donald D. Carpenter, PhD, PE, LEED AP is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Lawrence Technological University.  He is an accredited green design professional (LEED AP) and practicing professional engineer (PE) whose expertise includes low impact development (LID), innovative stormwater best management practices (BMPs), hydrologic and stormwater modeling and design, and field data collection for performance monitoring. As founding Director of the Great Lakes Stormwater Management Institute, he conducts research on stormwater BMPs and advises communities on how to implement innovative stormwater management practices. Dr. Carpenter routinely provides professional lectures and short courses on innovative stormwater treatment design and its role in LID implementation and fulfillment of LEED credits. Recent venues for his presentations include the National LID Conference, the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, the International Association of Hydraulic Research, the Florida Stormwater Association, the Michigan Water Environment Association, the Michigan Green Industry Association, the American Nursery and Landscape Association, and numerous municipal and county government agencies in Florida and Michigan. Dr. Carpenter is an active committee leader for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental and Water Resources Institute and a member of numerous local community advisory boards.  Finally, Dr. Carpenter teaches courses on ethics, professionalism, and water resources and serves as a Kern Fellow for Entrepreneurial Education recognizing his efforts to bring innovative team based problem solving into the engineering curriculum. 

stem-centerDonald D. Carpenter,
Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP

Executive Director

Associate Professor

Ph.D. - Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2001
   Major: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
   Thesis: Wave Energy Dissipation in Great Lakes Harbor Entrances.

M.S. - Civil Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1996
   Major: Ocean Engineering
   Thesis: Application of beach and dune erosion computer models on the Oregon Coast.

B.S. - Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1993
   Major: Environmental Engineering & Hydraulic Engineering

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP), Green Building Certification Institute, 2009.

Registered Professional Engineer (PE #6201056764), Michigan Board of Professional Engineers, 2009.

Donald D. Carpenter, PhD, PE, LEED AP is Professor of Civil Engineering where he teaches courses on ethics/professionalism and water resources. Dr. Carpenter received his PhD from the University of Michigan in 2001. He is an accredited green design professional (LEED AP) and practicing professional engineer (PE) whose expertise and research interests include engineering ethics, entrepreneurial engineering, Low Impact Development (LID), innovative stormwater best management practices (BMPs), hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, and field data collection for performance monitoring. His University appointments include serving as University Director of Assessment from 2009 to 2012 after serving as founding Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning from 2006 to 2009.

In 2014, the Kern Family Foundation named him their national Most Outstanding Faculty member recognizing his efforts to bring innovative team based problem solving into the engineering curriculum to promote the entrepreneurial mindset. As founding Director of the Great Lakes Stormwater Management Institute at Lawrence Tech, he conducts research on stormwater BMPs and advises communities on how to implement innovative stormwater management practices. Dr. Carpenter routinely provides professional lectures and short courses on innovative stormwater treatment design and their role in LID implementation and fulfillment of LEED Sustainable Sites Credits. In 2013, he was elected to serve as a Governor for Cranbrook Institute of Science and a Director for the non-profit organization Pure Oakland Water. Finally, Dr. Carpenter is an active committee leader for the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute and a member of the SEMCOG Clean Water Partners, MDEQ Green Infrastructure Committee, and Rouge River Advisory Council. 

Lawrence Technological University

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
01/2013 – Present

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
07/2007 – 01/2013

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
08/2001 – 06/2007

Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Lawrence Tech University, Southfield, MI
08/2000 – 06/2001

Director, Great Lakes Stormwater Management Institute
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
09/2009 – present

Director of Assessment
Lawrence Technoogical University, Southfield, MI
08/2009 – 08/2012

Director, Center for Teaching & Learning
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
01 /2007 – 08/2008

Chair, Educational Innovation Collaborative
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
08/2003 - 12/2006

Kern Fellow for Entrepreneurial Education
03/2006 – present

Other Institutions

Courtesy Research Professor, Institute for Environmental Studies
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
08/2008 – 08/2013

Adjunct Assistant Professor & Graduate Faculty Member, Civil Engineering Department
University of Windsor, Windsor, ONT
01/2006 – present

Adjunct Faculty - Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Dept.
Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI
05/1997 – 12/2000

Graduate Student Instructor and Graduate Student
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
01/1996 - 12/2000

Senior Technical Consultant
HSW Engineering, Inc.
01/2005 - present (as needed)

Senior Associate Engineer
Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc., Detroit, MI
02/2002 - 12/2004 (as needed)

Project Engineer
Limno-Tech, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI
01/2001 - 10/2001

Fassman, E., Liu, R., Hunt, W., Berghage, R., Carpenter, D., Kurtz, T. (2013) “Curve Number Approximation for Extensive Living Roofs.”  Submitted for publication in Journal of Environmental Engineering.

Carpenter, D., Harding,T., Sutkus, J. and Finelli, C. (2013) “Assessing the Ethical Development of Civil Engineering Undergraduates in Support of the ASCE Body of Knowledge.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, No. EIENG-429R2.

Burt, B.A., Carpenter, D.D., Holsapple, M.A., Finelli, C.J., Bielby, R.M., Sutkus, J.A. & Harding, T.S., (2013). “Out-of-classroom experiences: Bridging the disconnect between the classroom, the engineering workforce, and ethical development.”  International Journal of Engineering Education. 29(3), 714-725,

Calappi, T., Miller, C., Carpenter, D., and Dahl, T. (2012) “Developing a Family of Curves for the HEC-18 Scour Equation.” Accepted for publication in International Journal of Geosciences (2800217). 12/14/11.

McClerren, M., Hettiarachchi, H., and Carpenter, D. (2012) “An Investigation on Erodibility and Geotechnical Characteristics of Fine Grained Fluvial Soils from Lower Michigan.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Sciences (GEGE659R1).  1/12/12

Finelli, C., Holsapple, M., Ra, E., Bielby, R., Burt, B., Carpenter, D., Harding, T., and Sutkus, J. (2012) “An Assessment of Engineering Students’ Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences and Their Ethical Development.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Engineering Education (1266.R1

Harding, T., Carpenter, D., and Finelli, C. (2012) “An Exploratory Investigation of the Ethical Behavior of Engineering Undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Education (In Press – April 2012

Holsapple, M., Carpenter, D., Finelli, C., Harding, T., and Sutkus, J. (2012) “Framing Faculty and Student Discrepancies in Engineering Ethics Education Delivery,” Journal of Engineering Education (In Press – April 2012)

Carpenter, D., Hayes, K., Ward, C., and Gerhart, A. (2011) “Assessment and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Course Modification Plan,” Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, 2(2), pp 15-34.

Carpenter, D. D. & Kaluvakolanu, P. (2010) “Effect of Roof Surface Type on Stormwater Run-off from Full-Scale Roofs in a Temperate Climate.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 126(11).

Carpenter, D., Harding, T.S., and Finelli, C.J. (2010) “Using Research to Identify Academic Dishonesty Deterrents in Undergraduate Engineering.”  International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(5), pp1156-1165.

McClerren, M., Hettiarachchi, H., and Carpenter, D. (2010) “Laboratory and Field Investigation on Variation of Erodibility with Dry Unit Weight of Different Soils” ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199, ISBN 978-0-7844-1095-0.

Carpenter, D.D. & Hallam, L. (2010) “Impact of Engineered Soil Characteristics on Bioretention Cell Performance.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 15(6), pp 404-416.

Mayhew, M. J., Hubbard, S. M., Finelli, C. J., Harding, T. S., & Carpenter, D. D. (2009). “Using structural equations modeling to validate the theory of planned behavior as a model for predicting student cheating with implications for researchers interested in transitional versus consolidated phases of moral reasoning development.” Review in Higher Education, 32(4), 441-468. 

Harding, T. S., Mayhew, M. M., Finelli, C. J., & Carpenter, D. D. (2007) “The theory of planned behavior as a model of academic dishonesty in humanities and engineering undergraduates.” Ethics and Behavior, 17 (4).

Slate, L., Shields, D., Schwartz, J., Carpenter, D., & Freeman, G. (2007), “Engineering Design Standards for Stream Channel Modification or Restoration.”  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133(10), pp 1-4.

Carpenter, D.D., T. Harding, C. Finelli, H. Passow, and S. Montgomery (2006), “Engineering Students’ Perceptions of and Attitudes Towards Cheating,” Journal of Engineering Education, 95(3), 181–194.

Passow, H.J., M. Mayhew, C.J. Finelli, T.S. Harding, and D.D. Carpenter (2006), “Factors Influencing Engineering Students’ Decisions to Cheat by Type of Assessment.”  Research in Higher Education, 47(7), 643–684.

Harding, T., D. Carpenter, C. Finelli, and H. Passow (2004), “Does Academic Dishonesty Relate to Unethical Behavior in Professional Practice?”  Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics, 10(2) pp 311- 324.

Carpenter, D.D., S.K. Sinha, K. Brennan, and L. Slate (2003), “Urban Stream Restoration.”  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129(7) pp 491-493.

Carpenter, D.D. (2001), “I am a good teacher.  Or am I?”  ASCE Journal of Professional Issues, 127(4), pp. 141-143. 

Meadows, G. L. Meadows, D.D. Carpenter, W.L. Wood, and B. Caufield (1998), The Great Lakes Groin Performance Experiment, Phase II: Effect of Groin Field.”  Shore and Beach. vol. 66, no. 2.

Gerhart, A., Fletcher, R. and Carpenter, D. (2014) “Effectively Communicating Between the Engineer and the Customer,” Proceedings of the 12th Annual Active Learning in Engineering Education Conference, January 20-22, Sao Paolo, BR.

Carpenter, D. (2014) “House of Cards – A Customer Focused Design Challenge” Proceedings of the 12th Annual Active Learning in Engineering Education Conference, January 20-22, Sao Paolo, BR.

Carpenter, D. (2013). “The use of innovative stormwater management techniques to retrofit a Midwestern U.S urban campus – a case study.” Proceedings of the 8th International Novatech Conference, June 23-27, Lyon Fr.

Carpenter, D., Beck, E., Wadzuk, B., and Durham, A. (2013) “Vegetated Roof Performance Monitoring.” Abstract Only Proceedings of the 2013 National Low Impact Development Conference, August 18-21, St. Paul MN.

Carpenter, D. (2013) “Development of a Physical and Virtual Stormwater Management Trail at a Midwestern University” Abstract Only Proceedings of the 2013 National Low Impact Development Conference, August 18-21, St. Paul MN.

Carpenter, D. (2013) “Brownstown Middle School Green Roof Monitoring Project.” Abstract Only Proceedings of the 2013 National Low Impact Development Conference, August 18-21, St. Paul MN.

Gerhart, A., and Carpenter, D. (2013) “Campus-wide Course Modification Program to Implement Active & Collaborative Learning and Problem-based Learning to Address the Entrepreneurial Mindset.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Harding, T., D. Carpenter, and C. Finelli (2013), “Two Years Later: A longitudinal look at the impact of engineering ethics education.”  Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Carpenter, D. and Isenberg, S. (2012) “Brownstown Middle School Green Roof Monitoring and Education Project.” Proceedings of the 2012 Mid-Atlantic Green Roof Symposium, College Park, MD.

Gerhart, A., and Carpenter, D. (2012) “Creativity, Innovation, and Ingenuity Summer Enrichment Program: Assessment from a Multi-institutional Collaboration.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Holsapple, M.A., Sutkus, J.A., Finelli, C.J., Carpenter, D.D., Burt, B.A., Ra, E., Harding, T.S., and Bielby, R.M. (2011) “Exploring the relationship between satisfaction, pedagogical approaches, and student outcomes.”  Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Carpenter, D., Finelli, C., Holsapple, M., Bielby, R., Burt, B., Carpenter, D., Harding, T., and Sutkus, J. (2011) “Assessment the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates in the United States,” Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2011, pp 611- 616.

Carpenter, D., Sutkus, J., Finelli, J., and Harding, T. (2011) “Exploration of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.

Gerhart, A., Carpenter, D., and Grunow, M. (2011) “Work in Progress – Assessment of a Leadership Curriculum” Proceedings of the 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.

Bielby, R. M., Harding, T. S., Carpenter, D. D., Finelli, C. J., Sutkus, J. A., Burt, B. A., Ra, E., & Holsapple, M. A. (2011) “Impact of different curricular approaches to ethics.” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Burt, B. A., Carpenter, D. D., Finelli, C. J., Harding, T. S., Sutkus, J. A., Holsapple, M. A., Bielby, R. M., & Ra, E. (2011) “Outcomes of engaging engineering undergraduates in co-curricular experiences.” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Holsapple, M. A., Sutkus, J., Finelli, C. J., Carpenter, D. D., Burt, B. A., Ra, E., Harding, T. S., & Bielby, R. M. (2011) “We can’t get no satisfaction!: The relationship between students’ ethical reasoning and their satisfaction with engineering ethics education.” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Tocco, J. and Carpenter, D. (2011) “Re-Engineering the Capstone: Melding an Industry Oriented Framework and the BOK2,” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Calappi, T., Miller, C., & Carpenter, D. (2010) “Revisiting the Colorado State University Scour Equation.”  Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA.

Gerhart, A., Carpenter, D., Grunow, M., & Hayes, K. (2010) “Development of a Leadership and Entrepreneurship Skills-Assessment Instrument.” Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.

Tocco, J. & Carpenter, D. (2010) “Adopting the BOK2: The Quest to Slay the Multi-Headed Hydra.”  Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY

Holsapple, M.A., Carpenter D.D., Finelli, C.J., Sutkus, J.A., Harding, T.S., & Walczak, K. (2010) “Understanding the Differences Between Faculty and Administrator Goals and Students Experiences with Ethics Education.”  Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. 

Walczak, K., Finelli, C.J., Holsapple, M.A., Sutkus, J.A., Harding, T.S., & Carpenter D.D. (2010) “Institutional obstacles to integrating ethics into the curriculum and strategies for overcoming them.”  Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.

Carpenter, D.D., Yang, L., Mades, D., Watson, K., and Flannery, S. (2010) “Development of an Estuary Hydrodynamics Model to Evaluate the Impact of Water Withdrawals on Estuary Salinity and Thermal Regimes,” Proceedings of the Joint 17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research and the 7th International Urban Watershed Management Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2010.

Carpenter, D.D., Kaluvakolanu, P., Biman, P., and Seth, R. (2010) “Hydrologic Performance Evaluation of an Extensive Green Roof in a Temperate North American Climate,”  Proceedings of the Joint 17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research and the 7th International Urban Watershed Management Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2010.

Holsapple, M.A., Finelli, C.J., Carpenter D.D., Sutkus, J.A., & Harding, T.S. (2009) “Work-in-Progress: A mixed methods approach to developing an instrument measuring engineering students’ positive ethical behavioral outcomes.”  Proceeding of the 39th Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Harding, T.S., Finelli, C., Sutkus, J., and Carpenter, D. (2009) “Engineering Culture and the Ethical Development of Undergraduate Students,” Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Cairn, Australia.

Carpenter, D.D., Yang, L., Mades, D., Watson, K., and Flannery, S. (2009) “Development of an Ecohydraulics Model to Evaluate the Impact of Water Withdrawals on Estuary Salinity and Thermal Regimes,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Research Congress, Vancouver, BC. 

Carpenter, D.D., Watson, K., Mades, D., and Yang, L. (2009) “Evaluating the Impact of Water Withdrawals on Water Resource Values,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Research Congress, Vancouver, BC. 

Calappi, T., Miller, C., and Carpenter, D. (2009) “Cumulative Pier Scour at Michigan Bridge Crossings: Evaluation of the Scour Rate,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Research Congress, Vancouver, BC. 

Sutkus, J., Carpenter, D., Finelli, C. & Harding, T. (2009) “An Examination of Student Experiences Related to Engineering Ethics: Initial Findings,” Proceedings of the 2009 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

Schwartz, J., Niezgoda, S., Slate, L., Carpenter, D., Annable, W., Wynn, T., Pomeroy, C., & McPhillips, M. “A Monitoring and Assessment Framework to Evaluate Stream Restoration Needs in Urbanizing Watersheds,” Proceedings of the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Kansas City, KS.

 Carpenter, D. D. & Kaluvakolanu (2009), “The Lawrence Technological University Greenroof Performance Evaluation Project.”  Proceedings of the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Kansas City, KS.

Gerhart, A. & Carpenter, D. D. (2008), “Creative Problem Solving” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA.

Sutkus, J. A., Carpenter, D. D., Finelli, C. J., & Harding, T. S. (2008). “Work in Progress: Building the Survey of Engineering Ethical Development (SEED) instrument.” Proceeding of the 38th Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga, NY.

Carpenter, D. D. (2008), “A case study on the use of LEED, LID and stormwater BMPs in the redevelopment of a Midwestern urban campus.” Proceedings of the 2008 National LID Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Hallam, L., & Carpenter, D.D. (2008), “A Comparison of Engineered Soil Mixtures on Bioretention Cell Performance.” Proceedings of the 2008 National LID Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Carpenter, D. D.  & Hallam, L. (2008), “An investigation of rain garden planting mixture performance and the implications for design.” Proceedings of the 2008 National LID Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Finelli, C. J., Sutkus, J. A., Carpenter, D. D., & Harding, T. S. (2008). A longitudinal study of the ethical development of engineering and non-engineering students at a national research university. Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Davos, Switzerland.

Carpenter, D. D., Finelli, C. J., & Harding, T. S. (2008). Investigating the linkages between unethical professional behaviors and engineering undergraduate cheating. Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Davos, Switzerland.

Finelli, C. J., Harding, T. S., & Carpenter, D. D. (2007), “Academic integrity among engineering undergraduates: six years of research.” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI

Carpenter, D. & Feierfeil, G. (2007), “Cultivating and entrepreneurial mindset through interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI.

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Using a hybrid classroom environment for the instruction of ethics and contemporary civil engineering issues.” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI.

Schwartz, J.S., Niezgoda, S.L., Slate, L.O., Carpenter, D. D., Prager, R., McPhillips, M., & Lucas, S. (2007), “Urban Stream Restoration: Guidance for Monitoring and Assessment Protocols.”  Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL.

Harding, T. S., Finelli, C. J., & Carpenter, D. D. (2006), “Cheating in college and its influence on ethical behavior in professional engineering practice.” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL.

Harding, T. S., Finelli, C. J., Carpenter, D. D., & Mayhew, M. J. (2006), “Examining the underlying motivations of engineering undergraduates to behave unethically.” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL.

Gerhart, A. & Carpenter, D.D. (2006),  “An Innovative Learning Experience – The Detroit To Pittsburgh Canoe Trip.”  Proceeding of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.  Chicago, IL.

Carpenter, D. D., Harding, T. S., & Finelli, C. J. (2006), “The implications of academic dishonesty in undergraduate engineering on professional ethical behavior.”  Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Omaha, NB.

Schwartz, J.S., Niezgoda, S.L., Slate, L.O., Prager, R., Carpenter, D. D., McPhillips, M., & Lucas, S. (2006), “Urban Stream Restoration: Guidance for Monitoring and Assessment Protocols.”  Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Omaha, NB.

Carpenter, D. D., McPhillips, M., Prager, R., Schwartz, J. & Slate, L. (2006)  “Ethical & Professional Issues Associated with River Restoration.”  Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Omaha, NB.

Harding, T.S., D.D. Carpenter, C.J. Finelli, and M.J. Mayhew (2005) “Cheating in college and the workplace: An examination of engineering undergraduates’ ethical behavior.” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Portland, OR.

Carpenter, D.D. (2005),  “Using Learning Objectives for Course Design and Curriculum Improvement” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Carpenter, D.D., Gerhart, A., Anneberg, L., and J. Rohrback (2005) “Engineering Exploration Days – Recruiting High School Students Into Engineering through focused K-12 Outreach Efforts” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Carpenter, D.D., T.S. Harding, C.J. Finelli, and M. Mayhew (2005) “An investigation into the effect of an institutional honor code policy on academic behavior.”  Proceedings of the 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2005.

Finelli, C.J., J.L. Szwalek, D.D. Carpenter , and T.S. Harding (2005), “A Case Study on Research in Engineering Education: Designing, Testing, and Administering the PACES-2 Survey on Academic Integrity” Proceedings of the 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2005.

Passow, H.J., M.J. Mayhew, C.J. Finelli, D.D. Carpenter, and T.S. Harding (2005), "Factors influencing engineering students' decisions to cheat vary by type of assignment." Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Etter, B.K., T.S. Harding, C.J. Finelli, D.D Carpenter (2004), "The Role of Moral Philosophy in Promoting Academic Integrity Among Engineering Students," Proceedings of the 34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Savannah, GA.

Harding, T., D. Carpenter, C. Finelli, and H. Passow (2004),  “The Influence of Academic Dishonesty on Ethical Decision-Making in the Workplace: A Study of Engineering Students” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.

Carpenter, D.D., J. Schwartz, L. Slate, S. Sinha, K. Brennan, and J. MacBroom (2004), “The Status of Urban Stream Restoration in the United States,”  Proceedings of the 2004 ASCE World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT.

Passow, H.J., Mayhew, M., Finelli, C.J., Carpenter, D.D., and Harding, T.S. (2004),  “Factors influencing engineering students’ decisions to cheat vary by type of assignment,” Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.

Harding, T., D. Carpenter, C. Finelli, and H. Passow (2003), “The Relationship Between Academic Dishonesty and Ethical Behavior in Engineering Practice.” Proceedings of the 3rd Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Harding, T.S., H. Passow, D.D. Carpenter, and C. Finelli (2003),  “An Examination of the Relationship between Academic Dishonesty & Professional Behavior.”  Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, CO.

Carpenter, D.D., S.J. Wright, and J. Selegean (2003),  “An Investigation of Pocket Wave Absorbers.”  Proceedings of the 3rd International Coastal Structures Conference, Portland, OR. 

Finelli, C., T.S. Harding, D.D. Carpenter, H. Passow, and E. Dei (2003),  “Students’ Perceptions of both the certainty and deterrent effect of potential consequences of cheating.” Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

Hanson, J., D.D. Carpenter, and T.Rizk, (2003), Engineering the World: Hands-on Experimentation for Civil Engineering K-12 Outreach.  Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

Schwartz, J., D.D. Carpenter, L. Slate, S. Sinha, K. Brennan, and J. MacBroom (2003), “Research Needs for Improvement of Principals and Practices in Urban Stream Restoration.” Proceedings of the 2003 EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia, PA.

Carpenter, D.D., L.Slate, J. Schwartz, S. Sinha, K. Brennan, and J. MacBroom (2003), “Regional preferences and accepted practices in urban stream restoration: An Overview of Case Studies.” Proceedings of the 2003 EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia, PA.

Slate, L., K. Bowers, D.D. Carpenter, and J. Gracie (2003), “Urban Stream Restoration: What Makes a Project Successful?” Proceedings of the 2003 EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia, PA.

Carpenter, D.D. (2003), “Hands-on experiments for teaching children about erosion, watershed management, and water resources.” Proceeding of the 2003 EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia, PA.

Carpenter D.D., T.S. Harding, S. Montgomery, Nicholas Steneck, and E.Dei (2002),  “Student Perceptions of Institutional and Instructor Based Techniques for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty” Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, MA.

Harding, T.S., Carpenter D.D., S. Montgomery, and Nick Steneck  (2002),  “A Comparison of the Role of Academic Dishonesty Policies of Several Colleges on the Cheating Behavior of Engineering and Pre-Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, MA.

Budny, D., M. Krishnan, S. Das, M. Paulik, R. DeLyser, H. Khan, D. Elger, C. Yokomoto, J. Rowland, M. Litt, and D. Carpenter (2002),  “Assessment: When is Enough, Enough?” Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, MA.

Carpenter, D.D., T.S. Harding, S.M. Montgomery, and N. Stenneck (2002),  “P.A.C.E.S. – A study on academic integrity among engineering undergraduates.”  Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec.

Wright, S.J., D.D. Carpenter, and A. Cunningham (2001), “Laboratory Model Studies of Wave Energy Dissipation in Harbors.”  4th International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco, CA. 

Carpenter D.D., S.J. Wright, and J. Selegean (2001), “Laboratory and Field Investigation of Pocket Wave Absorbers.”  Proceedings of the 2001 Coastal Zone Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Harding, T.S., D.D. Carpenter, S.M. Montgomery, and N.H. Stenneck (2001),  “The Current State of Research on Academic Dishonesty Among Engineering Students.”  Proceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Ulasir M., D.D. Carpenter, and S.J. Wright (2001),  “CEAL: Cooperative learning coupled with hands on experimentation in a fluid mechanics laboratory,”  Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, NM. 

Carpenter, D.D. and N. Katopodes (2001),  “An assessment of the redesigned computational methods course at the University of Michigan.”  Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, NM.

Carpenter, D.D.  (2000), Employing Graduate Students at Two-year Colleges: A Missed Opportunity?”  Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, St. Louis, MO.

Carpenter, D.D.  (2000), Ways a graduate student can improve their teaching portfolio.”  Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, St. Louis, MO.

Meadows, G., D.D. Carpenter, et al. (1997).  “A field investigation of functional design parameter influence on groin performance,”  Proceedings of the 1997 Coastal Dynamics Conference, Southhampton, England.

Yoder, J., Kleine, R., Carpenter, D., and Fry, C. (2013) “Spreading the Fire: Broadening Faculty Support for the Entrepreneurial Mindset.”  Proceedings of the 2013 Open Minds Convention of NCIIA, Washington DC, March 22, 2013.

Carpenter, D., Gerhart, A., & Grunow, M. (2011) “Development and Application of a Leadership Assessment Instrument,” Proceedings of the 2011Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting.

Carpenter, D.D. (2011) “Measuring Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates.” LTU Innovation Magazine, Spring 2011 Issue.

Carpenter, D.D. and J. Tocco. (2011) “Faculty Adopts Comprehensive Approach to Civil Engineering Education.” LTU Innovation Magazine, Spring 2011 Issue.

Tocco, J., & Carpenter, D. (2011) “Utilizing Industry Practitioners to Enhance the Capstone Experience.” Proceedings of the ABET Best Assessment Practices Symposium, Indianapolis, IN, April 2011.

Tocco, J., & Carpenter, D. (2010) “Direct Assessment of Program Outcomes Utilizing Rubrics in the Senior Project Capstone.” Proceedings of the ABET Best Assessment Practices Symposium, April 15, Las Vegas, NV, April 2010.

Carpenter, D. (2010) The Influence of Soils on Infiltration Based Designs.” The Landsculptor Magazine, February 2010 Issue, pp 59-62.

Carpenter, D. (2010) Rain Garden Sizing and Design for Homeowner Raingardens.” The Landsculptor Magazine, March 2010 Issue, pp 33-35.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Protecting our Water Resources with Low Impact Development.” The Landsculptor Magazine, December 2009 Issue, pp 23-26.

Jawad, B., M. Vaz, K. Kelch and D.D. Carpenter (2004), “Communication Skills Assessment – Tools, Measures, Analysis, and Closing the Loop” A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Intuitional Improvement – Volume 3, 109th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission.

Carpenter, D.D. (2004), “Writing and Using Learning Objectives for Course and Curriculum Improvement.”  Proceedings of the Best Assessment Processes VI Symposium, Terre Haute, IN.

Schwartz, J., D.D. Carpenter, L. Slate, S. Sinha, K. Brennan, and J. MacBroom (2003), “Research Needs for Improvement of Principals and Practices in Urban Stream Restoration.” Proceedings of the 11th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop, Dearborn, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. and B. Jawad (2003), “A Balancing Act – Engaging Faculty and Administration in University Wide Assessment.”  A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Intuitional Improvement – Volume 3, 108th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, IL.

Carpenter, D.D., B. Jawad, M. Weinstein, and M. Vaz (2003). “The Engagement of Faculty in a University Wide Assessment Program that Transcends the Professional Accreditation Boards.” Proceedings of the Best Assessment Processes V Symposium, Terre Haute, IN.

Carpenter, D., Sinha, S., Bingham, M., Schweitzer, L., and Graham, R. (2012) Using an Integrative Approach to Restore A Natural Flow Regime in the Clinton River Watershed, Report to Michigan Sea Grant, July 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) Brownstown Middle School Green Roof Monitoring Project Evaluation/Assessment Report, Report to Alliance of Downriver Watersheds, June 2012.

Sutkus, J., Carpenter, D., Finelli, C., Harding, T, (2011) Survey of Engineering Ethical Development Final Report, August 2011.

 Carpenter, D.D. and Miller, C. (2011) A Critical Evaluation of Bridge Scour for Michigan Specific Conditions.   Michigan Department of Transportation Report Number RC-1547.

Carpenter, D.D. (2010) Evaluation Services for Metro Health Hospital Best Management Practices.  Report to Metro Health Hospital, Wyoming, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. (2008) Rain Garden Feasibility Study for Lathrup Village Sites on Roseland and San Rosa Avenues

Lathrup Village. Report to the Southeast Oakland County Water Authority, Royal Oak, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. (2008) Rain Garden Sizing and Design for Homeowners.  Report to the Southeast Oakland County Water Authority, Royal Oak, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. (2008) Lawrence Technological University Rain Garden Educational and Demonstration Project. Report to the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project, Department of the Environment, Wayne County, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. (2008) Determination of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Trap Efficiencies for KSI Stormwater Treatment Chambers. Report to Department of the Environment, Wayne County, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. & Laura Hallam (2007) An Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixtures and their Implications for Design.  Report to the Southeast Oakland County Water Authority, Royal Oak, MI.

Carpenter, D.D. (2005) Laboratory Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixtures. Report to the Southeast Oakland County Water Authority.

Olsztyn, O. and D.D. Carpenter (2005). Clinton River HEC-RAS Modeling. Report to the Clinton River Coldwater Conservation Project, Rochester, MI.

Komar, P. D., D.D. Carpenter, and W.G. McDougal (1995). The application of beach and dune erosion models to the high-energy Oregon coast.  Report to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, Salem, OR.

Gerhart, A. and Carpenter, D. (2014) “Effectively Communicating Between the Engineer and the Customer,” A workshop for 12th Annual Active Learning in Engineering Education Conference, January 21, Sao Paolo, BR.

Carpenter, D. (2014) “House of Cards – A Customer Focused Design Challenge” A workshop for 12th Annual Active Learning in Engineering Education Conference, January 20, Sao Paolo, BR.

Carpenter, D. and Gerhart, A. (2014) “PBL/ACL Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop,” A workshop for Mauá Institute of Technology Faculty, January 24, Sao Paolo, BR.

Carpenter, D. and Gerhart, A. (2013) “PBL/ACL Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop,” A workshop for Ohio Northern COE Faculty, August 24, Ada, OH. 

Gerhart, A., Carpenter, D., and Zweisler-Vollick, J. (2013) “Problem Based Learning Workshop,” A workshop for KEEN Faculty, May 15-19, Southfield, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2013) “Low Impact Development,” A Halfmoon Education Continuing Education Workshop, March 13, Tampa, FL.

Carpenter, D. (2013) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers – Ethics and Ethical Development of Undergraduates,” Workshop, Tempe, AZ, January 5, 2013.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Low Impact Development,” A Halfmoon Education Continuing Education Workshop, October 18, Toledo, OH.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Low Impact Development Stormwater Design Techniques” Seminars on Sustainability, October 6, Southfield, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Success with Rubrics at Lawrence Tech,” KEEN Fall Meeting, Milwaukee, WI September 27, 2012.

Gerhart, A. and Carpenter, D. (2012) “Problem Based Learning Workshop,” A workshop for KEEN Faculty, August 13-15, St Louis, MO. 

Finelli, C. J., Carpenter, D. D., Harding, T. S., & Sutkus, J. A. (2012). An exploration of the ethical development of engineering undergraduates. Workshop at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 10, San Antonio, TX.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on Natural Flow the Clinton River Watershed”  Presentation at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Michigan Water Environment Association, June 28, 2012, Boyne, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on Natural Flow the Clinton River Watershed”, Public Stakeholder Meeting Presentation, Rochester Hills, MI, June 6, 2012.

Gerhart, A., Carpenter, D., Reidel, C., and Zweisler-Vollick, J. (2012) “Active and Collaborative Learning Workshop,” A workshop for KEEN Faculty, May 21-24, Southfield, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Assessment, Evaluation, and Course Modification”, Presentation at the Spring 2012 Assessment Meeting of the Kern Network, April 19, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers – Ethics and Ethical Development of Undergraduates,” Workshop, San Antonio, TX, June 14, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Entrepreneurial Mindset Overview,” Faculty Development Workshop, Southfield, MI, May 17, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Societal Values,” Faculty Development Workshop, Southfield, MI, May 17, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers – Voluntary Social Responsibility,” Workshop, San Antonio, TX, June 14, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “ Low Impact Development Techniques and Designs in Upland and Lakeshore Areas,” Presentation at the 2nd Annual Shoreline and Shallows Conference: Climate Change and Lakeshore Landscaping, March 7, 2012, East Lansing, MI

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Rainwater Management Through Sustainable Garden Design,” Presentation at the Michigan Green Industry Association Trade Show & Convention, March 6, 2012, Novi, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers – Voluntary Social Responsibility,” Workshop, St. Louis, MO, February 22, 2012.

Carpenter, D., Weaver, J., and Condoor, S. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers I  – Critical Thinking and Social Responsibility” Workshop at the 2012 Open Minds Convention of NCIIA, San Francisco, CA, March 23, 2012.

Weaver, J., Carpenter, D., and Condoor, S. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers II  – Painstorming and Unique Value Proposition” Workshop at the 2012 Open Minds Convention of NCIIA, San Francisco, CA, March 23, 2012.

Grace, N., Carpenter, D., Gerhart, A., and Moore, H. (2012) “Creating Intra Collegiate Vertical Networks”, KEEN Winter Meeting, Orlando, FL, January 6, 2012.

Carpenter, D. (2012) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers – Voluntary Societal Responsibility” Workshop, Orlando, FL, January 3-4, 2012.

Carpenter, D., (2011) “Performance Monitoring of Extensive Green Roofs”, What Color is your Infrastructure Conference, Southfield, MI, September 23, 2011.

Carpenter, D., (2011) “Green Infrastructure & LID at Lawrence Tech”, What Color is your Infrastructure Conference, Southfield, MI, September 23, 2011.

Finelli, C., Harding, T. and Carpenter, D. (2011) “Exploration of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” A NSF regional workshop at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 24, 2011.

Carpenter, D. (2011) “Exploration of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” A NSF regional workshop at Iowa State University, Ames, IA November 4, 2011.

Carpenter, D. (2011) “Exploration of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” A workshop at the 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2011.

Carpenter, D., (2011) “Ecological Benefits of Green Roofs”, Presentation for St. Clair County Community College, July 29, 2011.

Carpenter, D.D. (2011) “The Water Doctor!” Presentation at the Clinton River Water Festival, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, May 19 2011.

Graham, R. & Carpenter, D. (2011) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on the Clinton River Watershed”, Presentation at River Day, June 11, 2011.

Carpenter, D. “Environmental Issues Associate with Water Runoff”, Panel Member MSU School of Environmental Journalism, May 19, 2011.

Carpenter, D. (2011) “Problem Based Learning Workshop,” A workshop for KEEN Faculty, May 10-14, 2011 Southfield, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2011) “Active Problem Solving Techniques,” A workshop for Kettering Faculty, May 5, 2011 Flint, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2011) “Shaping Entrepreneurial Engineers” Workshop, Tempe, AZ January 3-4, 2011.

Carpenter, D. and Lazzell, R. (2011) “Infiltration Based Landscape Designs: An Environmentally Friendly Solution to Drainage” Seminars On Sustainability for the Environment, Southfield, MI February 28, 2011.

Ellard, M., Malinowski, R. and Carpenter, D., (2011) Raining on your Parade. Evolving Stormwater Issues in Florida.”  2011 Environmental and Land Use Law Annual Update, Florida Bar Association, Jacksonville FL, August 8 2011 

Pistrui D., Carpenter, D., Kleine R., Riffe, W., and Singh, P. (2011) “Assessing the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Undergraduate Engineering Education: New methods and emerging practices in the Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network. 15th Annual National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Association, April 2011.

Carpenter, D. (2011) Bringing Innovative Water Technologies to Market, Southfield, MI, March 22, 2011

Fry, C., Riffe, W., Carpenter, D., and Yoder, J. (2011) “Best Practices for Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset to Faculty Members”, 15th Annual National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Association, April 2011.

Gerhart, A. and Carpenter, D. (2011) “Development and Application of a Leadership Assessment Instrument,” Presentation at the 2011 HLC Annual Conference, April 2011.

Tocco, J., and Carpenter, D. “Making the Case for Rubrics in Capstone Assessment.” Presentation at the RosEvaluation Conference 2011, Terre Haute, IN, April 2011.

Carpenter, D. (2010) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on the Clinton River Watershed”, Public Stakeholder Meeting Presentation, Waterford, MI, November 3, 2010.

Carpenter, D. (2010) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on the Clinton River Watershed”, Public Stakeholder Meeting Presentation, Auburn Hills, November 4, 2010.

Carpenter, D. (2010) “Understanding the Impact of Lake Level Controls on the Clinton River Watershed”, Public Stakeholder Meeting Presentation, Rochester, MI, Nov 13, 2010.

Carpenter, D., (2010) “Lawrence Tech Landscaping”, Presentation for the 9th Annual Detroit Area Landscape Tour, Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, August 26, 2010.

Carpenter, D., (2010) “Environmental Benefits of Green Roofs”, Presentation for the Macomb Community College Green Roof Job Training Program, July 15, 2010.

Schneider, S., Carpenter, D., & Hayes, K. (2010) “Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering Faculty and Students.” Presentation at the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March, 2010.  

Carpenter, D. (2010) “Water Management in Green Buildings”, A presentation at the Sustainable Green Building in a Desert Environment Workshop, Cairo, Egypt, March 23, 2010.

Carpenter, D. & Lazzell, R. (2010) Water Conservation, Water Harvesting, and Rain Gardens.” Presentation at the Michigan Green Industry Association Trade Show & Convention, March 2010, Novi, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2009) Low Impact Development Implementation in the Tampa Bay Area. Presentation to the Pinellas County Green Team, St. Petersburg, FL, May 5, 2010.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Low Impact Development and Application to Brownfield Development. Presentation at the Florida Brownfield Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, November, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Ethics and Professional Issues.  Invited workshop for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows at National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD. 07/8/09.

Carpenter, D. (2009), Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixture Design. Presentation at the Sarasota County LID Speaker Series, April 27, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009) LEED, Water Resources, and Site Development. Presentation at the GS&P Luncheon, Tampa, FL, February 23, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Low Impact Development Implementation in Manatee County. Presentation to the Manatee County Green Team, Bradenton, FL, February 23, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Low Impact Development Implementation in the Tampa Bay Area. Presentation to the Hillsborough County Water Resources Department, Tampa, FL, February 24, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009) Low Impact Development Implementation in the Tampa Bay Area. Presentation to the Tampa Bay Water Authority, St. Petersburg, FL, April 27, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009), Using LID to Retrofit an Urban Campus. Presentation at the Engineering Society of Detroit H2O Michigan Conference, Southfield, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2009), Rain Gardens. Presentation at the January Meeting of the South Oakland County Municipal Engineers Association, Royal Oak, MI, January, 20, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009), Rain Garden Design, Construction, and Maintenance. Presentation at the 2009 American Nursery and Landscape Architecture Association Management Clinic, Louisville, KY, February 8, 2009.

Carpenter, D. (2009), The Influence of Soil Characteristics on Sustainable Site Design. Presentation at the 2009 Michigan Nursery and Landscape Architecture Association Great Lakes Trade Exposition, Grand Rapids, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2009), Low Impact Development and Sustainable Economic Growth. Presentation at the Growing with a Green Economy Forum, NSF International, Ann Arbor, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2008), An Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixture Design. Presentation at the 2008 Florida Stormwater Association Winter Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Carpenter, D. (2008), Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixtures. Presentation at the 2008 Annual Conference of the Michigan Water Environment Association, Boyne, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2008), Lawrence Technological University Green Roof Performance Evaluation Project. Presentation at the Hillsborough County Green Roof Symposium, Tampa, FL.

Carpenter, D. (2008) Academic integrity and professional ethics – A journey towards becoming an ethical professional begins now! Invited presentation for students given at Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO. 09/10/08.

Carpenter, D. (2008) Teaching ethics or developing ethical professionals: Which is more common in engineering education? The Annual Porth Lecture Series - invited presentation for faculty given at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Rolla, MO. 09/11/08.

Carpenter, D. (2008) Ethics and Professional Issues.  Invited workshop for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows at National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD. 07/16/08.

Overall Harding, T. S., Finelli, C. J., & Carpenter, D.D. (2008). Ethics education or ethical development: What is the best goal for engineering education? Workshop presented at the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mayhew, M. J., Hubbard, S., Harding, T. S., Finelli, C. J., & Carpenter, D. D. (2008). Using structural equation modeling to validate the Theory of Planned Behavior as a model for predicting student cheating. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Overall Harding, T. S., Finelli, C. J., Carpenter, D. D., & Mayhew, M. J. (2007). “Factors influencing moral development in professional education.” Roundtable discussion conducted at 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, New York, NY.

Carpenter, D. (2008), “LID Stormwater Practices on the Campus of Lawrence Technological University”, Presentation at the Low Impact Development for Storm Water Management Meeting (invited speaker), March 7, 2008, East Lansing, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Rain Garden Design Specifications for Michigan Specific Conditions,” Presentation for the Assembly of Rouge Communities (invited speaker), Southfield, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Bioretention Cell Design,” Presentation for the Michigan Groundwater Stewardship Program (invited speaker), Southfield, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Rain Garden Design and Implementation,” Presentation at the Sustainable Stormwater Management Workshop (invited speaker), Troy, MI. 

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Rain Garden Design and Maintenance,” Presentation for City of Auburn Hills Citizens (invited speaker), Auburn Hills, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2007), “Rain Garden Design and Maintenance,” Presentation for southeast Michigan landscape architects  (invited speaker), Southfield, MI. 

Mayhew, M. M., Harding, T. S., Carpenter, D. D., & Finelli, C. J. (2007, Apr.). Examining the underlying motivations of undergraduates to behave unethically. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Carpenter, D. & Feierfeil, G. (2007), “Cultivating and entrepreneurial mindset through interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.” Presentation at the 2007 National Collegiate Innovators and Inventors Conference ,Tampa, FL.

Carpenter, D.D. (2007), “Engaging Students in a Hybrid Learning Environment in Civil Engineering” Presentation at the 2007 LTU canvas Best Practices Session, Southfield, MI.

Carpenter, D. (2006), “Bioretention Cell Design,” Workshop at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Water & the Environment Association (invited speaker), Lansing, MI..

Carpenter, D.D. and J. Tocco (2006), “Hybrid Learning Environments in Civil Engineering at Lawrence Technological University,” Presentation at the 2006 Michigan canvas Users Group Conference, Southfield, MI.

Feierfeil, G., D.D. Carpenter, and A. Gerhart (2005), “Engineering Entrepreneurship – Education and Teaching Innovation,” Proceedings of the 2005 Governor’s Conference on Career Education, Detroit, MI.

Carpenter, D.D.  (2000),  “Improving your teaching portfolio as a graduate student,”  Graduate Methods Workshop, The 2000 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, St. Louis, MO.

Impact of different curricular approaches to ethics on positive ethical behavior. Poster presented at the U-M CRLT in Engineering Sixth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Session, Ann Arbor, MI, February 2012.

Co-curricular experiences: Bridging the disconnect between the classroom and ethics instruction. Poster presented at the U-M CRLT in Engineering Sixth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Session, Ann Arbor, MI, February 2012.

Student engagement in ethics education: Quantity and quality. Poster presented at the U-M CRLT in Engineering Sixth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Session, Ann Arbor, MI, February 2012.

Collaborative research: A holistic assessment of the ethical development of engineering undergraduates. Poster presented at the 2012 NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Arlington, VA.

A Holistic Assessment of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates. Poster presented at the 2011 NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Reston, VA.

Re-Engineering the Capstone: Melding an Industry Oriented Framework and the BOK2. Poster presented at the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

The Survey of Engineering Ethical Decision-Making: Developing measures of engineering students’ positive ethical behavior. Poster presented at the 2010 NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Reston, VA.

Development and testing of a survey to measure ethics education experiences and outcomes. Poster presented at the University of Michigan CRLT North Fourth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Session, Ann Arbor, MI.

Institutional barriers to integrating ethics education into the undergraduate engineering curriculum. Poster presented at the University of Michigan CRLT North Fourth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Session, Ann Arbor, MI.

Cumulative Pier Scour at Michigan Bridge Crossings: Evaluation of the Scour Rate, 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Research Congress, Vancouver, BC. 

A Holistic Assessment of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates, 2009 NSF Engineering Education Awardees Annual Conference, Reston, VA.

An investigation of rain garden planting mixture performance and the implications for design, 2008 National LID Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Academic Integrity Among Engineering Undergraduates.  Seven Years of Research by the E3 Team, 2008 NSF Engineering Education Awardees Annual Conference, Reston, VA.

Stochastic Hydrology and Frequency Analysis in Water Resources, 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL.

Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning through an Educational Innovation Collaborative, Pedagogies of Engagement Conference - AACU, April 14 – 16, 2005, Bethesda, MD.

Status of Urban Stream Restoration in the United States, 11th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop, September 8 – 11, 2003, Dearborn, MI.

American Society of Civil Engineering
American Society of Engineering Education                                                                                
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society
Order of the Engineer
US Green Building Council
Most Outstanding Faculty Award, Kern Family Foundation

Green Infrastructure Guardian Award, Alliance of Rouge Communities
Entrepreneurship Division, ASEE, Best Paper Award

NCEES Engineering Design Award

Water Fellow, Michigan State University Center for Water Science

Distinguished Porth Lecture Speaker, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Lawrence Technological University ASCE Student Chapter National Certificate of Commendation

Lawrence Technological University ASCE Faculty Advisor National Certificate of Commendation
Lawrence Technological University ASCE Student Chapter National Certificate of Commendation
Kern Fellow for Entrepreneurial Education, Kern Family Foundation

Lawrence Technological University ASCE Student Chapter National Certificate of Commendation
UGS Solid Edge Design Award for Detroit to Pittsburgh Canoe Trip

Marburger Award for Most Outstanding Lawrence Technological University Faculty Member

Best Paper Award, Civil Engineering Division, ASEE National Conference
Best Paper Award, Educational Research Methods Division, ASEE National Conference
Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Teaching Award, ASCE Student Chapter

New Faculty Fellow Award, Educational Research Methods Division, ASEE

Apprentice Faculty Grant Award, Educational Research Methods Division, ASEE

Director, Great Lakes Stormwater Management Institute (2009- present)

Director, Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory (2001 - present)

Member, Committee on Academic Reputation (2011 – present)

Member, Core Curriculum Review Committee (2012 – present) 

Advisory, Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (2011 – present)

Director of Assessment and Chair, University Assessment Committee (2009 – 2012)

Coordinator, Civil Engineering Department Assessment Program (2001 - 2009)

      • Main Author, Civil Engineering Department ABET Self Study (2004)
      • Contributing Author, Civil Engineering Department ABET Self Study (2010)

Member, University Assessment Committee (2001 - 2008)

      • Contributing Author, University NCA Accreditation Self Study (2005)

Faculty Advisor, American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter (2002 - 2007)

      • National Certificate of Commendation for Chapter (2005, 2006)
      • Letter of Honorable Mention for Chapter (2004)
      • National Certificate of Commendation for Faculty Advisor (2006)

Chair, Education Innovation Collaborative, Lawrence Technological University (2003 - 2006)

      • Founding Member

Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Lawrence Technological University (2007 – 2008)

Faculty Advisor for AGC Student Chapter (2003 - 2006)

Faculty Advisor, Detroit to Pittsburgh Canoe Trip (2004 – 2006)

      • Faculty Advisor for LTU sponsored educational project
      • Team won inaugural UGS Solid Edge Design Award for the project

Solar Decathlon (2005 – 2007)

      • Faculty Advisor for Fundraising Team

Member, Center for Sustainability (2005 – 2008)

      • Founding member and co-author of Center’s Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives

Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Urban Water (2013 – present)

Board of Directors, Pure Oakland Water (2013 – present)

Board of Governors, Cranbrook Institute of Science (2013 – present)

Member, Cranbrook Institute of Science Freshwater Forum Advisory Board (2012 – present)

Technical Advisor, RecoveryPark, SHAR Foundation (2010 – present)

Member, West Grand Boulevard Advisory Council (2011 – present)

Member, Rouge River RAP Advisory Council (2012 – present)

Member, SEMCOG, Clean Water Partner Committee (2008 – present)  

Member, SEMCOG, Green Infrastructure Task Force (2011 – present)

Member, Engineering Society of Detroit, Clean Water Steering Committee (2009 – 2011)

Technical Advisor, Paint Creek Dam Removal Technical Advisory Board, CRWC (2010 – 2012)

Member, Civil Engineering Division of ASEE (2001 – present)

      • Peer Reviewer for Conference Proceedings

Member, Entrepreneurship Education Division of ASEE (2006 – present)

Educational Research Methods Division of ASEE (2001 - present)

      • Chair, Helen Plants Award Committee (2005)
      • Peer Reviewer for Conference Proceedings

Member, Urban Stream Restoration Technical Committee, EWRI, ASCE (2002 - present)

      • Vice Chair Educational Materials Task Committee (2009 – present)
      • Chair (2002 - 2006)
      • Symposium Co-Chair for World Water & Environmental Resources Congress (2003, 2005, 2006)
      • Editor, Protection and Restoration of Urban and Rural Streams Symposium (2003)

Member, Urban Water Resources Research Committee, EWRI, ASCE (2003 - present)

      • Vice Chair, Green Roof Task Committee (2008 – present)
      • Member, Bioretention Task Committee (2008 – present)

Member, River Restoration Technical Committee, EWRI, ASCE (2002 - present)

      • Chair (2006 – 2007)
      • Vice Chair (2004 – 2006)
      • Track Chair for World Water & Environmental Resources Congress (2007)

NSF Review Panel for Engineering Education Program (2004)

NSF Reviewer for Ethics and Societal Values Program (2005)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2005)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2005)

Peer Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion Committees for University of Vermont (2005), Evansville University (2005),

Lawrence Technological University (2009, 2010, 2011), Hampshire College (2011), and Seattle University (2011)

National Peer Review Panel, Boren International Fellowship Program, Institute for International Education (2007 – 2008, 2012)

Member, State of Michigan LID Technical Implementation Committee (2007 – 2008)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Engineering Education (2009, 2010, 2012)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Environmental Engineering (2009)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (2010)

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship (2011)

Peer Review for Journal of Professional Issues (2012-2013)

Peer Review for Journal of Accountability in Research

Title: New England Integrating Entrepreneurial Content (ICE) Workshop (PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $79,000
Status: 10/1/14 – 6/30/15 

Title: Creativity, Innovation, and Ingenuity in American Manufacturing Summer Enrichment Program (co-PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $40,480
Status: 3/1/13 – 12/30/14

Title: Expanding Entrepreneurial Minded Learning To Incorporate An Enterprising Attitude In Engineering Students (co-PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $697,000
Status: 9/1/11 – 6/30/14

Title: Telling the Green Infrastructure Story (PI)
Agency: Erb Family Foundation
Amount: $22,000
Status: 9/24/12 – 8/31/13 

Title: Collaborative Research: SEED-PA: A Practical Instrument for Assessing Individual Ethical Initiatives (PI)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $199,925 for 2 years (LTU portion - $119,801)
Status: 4/22/12 – 4/21/14 

Title: Lawrence Tech Civil Engineering Capstone Project and Recovery Park
Agency: National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)
Amount: $7500
Status: 9/1/11 

Title: Pontiac Community Gardens (LTU PI)
Agency: Erb Family Foundation
Amount: $90,000 (LTU Portion - $30,450) 
Status: 7/1/11 – 6/30/13

Title: Development of a Stormwater Management Walking Trail (PI)
Agency: Erb Family Foundation
Amount: $57,000
Status: 7/1/11 – 10/31/12 

Title: Dynamic Compass Network (PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $150,500
Status: 9/1/11 – 6/30/14 

Title: Green Roof Instrumentation and Curriculum Development (PI)
Agency: St. Clair County Community College
Amount: $6,080 for 1 year
Status: 5/1/2011 - 9/9/2011   

Title: Low Impact Development Across the Downriver Watershed (LTU PI)
Agency: Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Amount: $600,000 (LTU Portion - $30,000)
Status: 7/1/10 – 6/30/12 

Title: Using an Integrative Assessment Approach to Restore a Natural Flow Regime in the Clinton River Watershed (PI)
Agency: Michigan Sea Grant
Amount: $138,990
Status: 5/1/09 – 7/31/12 

Title: Integrating Entrepreneurial Mindset Education and Experiences Affecting All Undergraduate Engineering Students at LTU (Leadership Team Member)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $1,154,500
Status: 2/1/09 – 1/31/14 

Title: KSI Structural Stormwater Chamber Performance Evaluation (PI)
Agency: KSI, Inc.
Amount: Confidential
Status: 8/1/07 – 12/31/08 

Title: KEEN Phase II Fellowship Grant (PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $50,000
Status: 9/1/07 – 6/30/10 

Title: A Critical Evaluation of Bridge Scour for Michigan Specific Conditions (PI)
Agency: Michigan Department of Transportation
Amount: $284,220 (LTU Portion - $165,708)
Status: 6/1/07 – 1/31/11

Title: Lawrence Technological University Participation in the 2007 RETAP Pollution Prevention Internship Program (PI)
Agency: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Amount: $21,600
Status: 5/1/07 – 9/30/07 

Title: Collaborative Research: A Holistic Assessment of The Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates (PI)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $850,802 for 4 years (LTU portion - $120,953)
Status: 3/1/07 – 2/28/13 

Title: Rain Garden Design & Public Education Outreach (PI)
Agency: Southeast Oakland County Water Authority
Amount: $5,000
Status: 1/1/07 – 8/30/07 

Title: Lawrence Technological University Rain Garden Educational and Demonstration Project (PI)
Agency:  Wayne County Department of Environment - Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Amount: $19,624
Status: 10/1/06 – 6/30/08 

Title: Invention to Venture (I2V) Workshop Planning Grant (PI)
Agency: National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Association
Amount: $5,000
Status: 9/1/06 – 9/1/08 

Title: KEEN Fellowship Grant (co-PI)
Agency: National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Association
Amount: $50,000
Status: 6/1/06 – 8/30/07 

Title: Hybridization of ECE4051 Ethics and Professional Issues (PI)
Agency: Veraldi Instructional Technology Resource Center (LTU)
Amount: $2,000
Status: 6/1/05 – 12/31/06

Title: Lawrence Technological University Participation in the 2006 RETAP Pollution Prevention Internship Program (PI)
Agency: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Amount: $21,200
Status: 5/1/06 – 9/30/06 

Title: KEEN Fellowship Planning Grant (co-PI)
Agency: National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Association
Amount: $5,000
Status: 12/1/05 – 3/30/06

Title: Lawrence Technological University Sustainable and Energy Efficient Equipment and Technologies Project (co-PI)
Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Region V
Amount: $396,800 (co-PI portion - $40,000)
Status: 1/1/06 – 12/31/07 

Title: An investigation of storm water capacity and infiltration of rain gardens (PI)
Agency: Southeast Oakland County Water Authority
Amount: $1,500
Status: 3/1/05 – 6/30/05

Title: Entrepreneurial Teaching and Learning (co-PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $270,000
Status: 1/1/04 – 12/31/07 

Title: PACES – Academic Integrity Among Engineering Students (PI)
Agency: Kern Family Foundation
Amount: $24,450
Status: 1/1/2004 – 6/30/2005

Title: PACES – A Study of Academic Dishonesty (co-PI)
Agency: ERM Division ASEE
Amount: $2,500
Status: 1/1/2003 – 12/31/2003