Knoespel-March 2019

Professor Kenneth Knoespel
McEver Professor of Engineering and the Liberal Arts, Emeritus 
Georgia Institute of Technology
March 21, 12:30
Lawrence Tech University Room S100

What do we really mean when we speak of a 'new humanities?' Have the 'old' humanities passed into ambiguity? Has engineering become a new liberal art? How may we shape a 'new humanities' that is not the 'old humanities' in digital disguise? Such questions challenge the practice of a 'new humanities' and yet are essential as we confront problems on our planet Earth and beyond. In this lecture, Professor Knoespel considers current research and teaching that involves the integration of disciplines. In particular, he will draw on his collaborations with scientists and engineers in astrobiology to show how a current plan to explore Enceledus, an ice moon of Saturn, richly engages a spectrum of disciplines. 

Humanity + Technology Lecture Integrating STEM and Liberal Arts

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