LMS reviewLTU has been using Panopto as our lecture capture system (LCS) since 2004. As needs and tools change over time, it is important to continually evaluate them to ensure they are still meeting our needs.

Therefore, LTU is kicking off a LC review. This project involves selecting a lecture capture system (LCS) which serves the needs of Lawrence Technological University’s faculty and students and integrates with our existing LMS (Instructure Canvas).

The goal is to select is to select a lecture capture vendor that can provide a robust, intuitive, easy-to-use system that has exceptional technical support.



June 2019

Sending out RFP to venders


Phase 1: Planning
An LCS Review Committee was formed to provide feedback and guide the process. The committee was co-chaired by Tim Chavis, Chief Information Officer, IT Services and Lynn Wietecha, Director eLearning Services and was comprised of:
  • LTU faculty representing all LTU colleges and most academic programs
  • Select LTU administration
  • LTU surveyed faculty to determine critical requirements of any LMS here at LTU


Survey results were analyzed and results were shared with the LTU community via a summary video 

A Request for Proposal was drafted and shared with the committee and revised several times based on suggestions and feedback. Review meetings were held on 6/1/2019 so all committee members could discuss their suggestions. The committee was informed of how their feedback was incorporated via a short summary video 

The final RFP was posted and shared with vendors on 6/24/2019.
Phase 2: RFP 
The final RFP was posted and shared with vendors on 6/24/2019.

Responding vendors must include the information required in this RFP, both the LMS RFP document and the RFP Addendum. We’ve made the two files available in MS Word and Excel formats to aid completion. The two files are:

  1. LCS Request for Proposal (MS Word)
  2. LCS RFP Addendum (MS. Excel)
LTU reserves the right to reject a proposal if required information is not provided or if the proposal not organized as directed in the RFP. LTU also reserves the right to change the evaluation criteria and/or any other provision in the RFP by posting notice of the change(s).

Below is the timeline for review, selection and implementation. Questions regarding the RFP, our process or LTU can be emailed to - LectureCaptureRFP@ltu.edu. 

Proposals are due to LTU by 7/8/2019.
Phase 3: Evaluation

6/24/2019 - 7/8/2019

RFP open to Vendors

6/24/2019 - 7/8/2019

Q&A period with Vendors. If a vendor has a question while reviewing the RFP, they can email LectureCaptureRFP@ltu.edu. Answers to all questions will be provided to all vendors.


Vendor responses due

7/8/2019 - 7/19/2019

Internal review of proposals


Notify finalists

7/22/2019 - 8/2/2019

Onsite vendor presentations

Vendor Presentations




Phase 4: Testing

7/22/2019 - 8/2/2019

Test systems made available by finalists

8/2019 - 9/2019

Finalize internal testing. Vendor references will be contacted at this time.


 Preferred vendor notified. Contract negotiations begin.
10/11/2019 Contract awarded
Phase 5: Evaluation


LCS Implementation begins

Nov 2019

Vendor provides training to LTU personnel

Dec 2019

Internal LTU training of LMS End users

Spring 2020

Full “Go Live” Spring 2020 courses deployed on new system